Well, tomorrow is the day that we've been waiting for. It's Christmas Day! I always love Christmas, even though I'm not gonna celebrate it but I'm happy for those who do. Christmas is such a merry celebration which I always thought will not complete without snow and presents but now I understand and embrace the fact that Malaysia is not a snowy country. Haha.
If I posted a vlog last Christmas, this time around, I will stick to writing coz I feel sitting in front a camera recorder and talking to people I don't know is a bit scary and risky coz people will go like, 'Oh, is this how he sounds like?' and risky because girls might strike my name off their Christmas list after watching my vlog.

Okay, I'm actually a bit out of topic because I'm suppose to talk about Christmas songs. Every festive season got its own songs. Hari Raya does, Chinese New Year does and so does Christmas. I enjoy listening to them as long as the meaning is not towards the religious thing and as long as the word 'Jesus' is not written in it several times, coz that doesn't seem like a good song for us, Muslim people to sing along. The reasons why I love listening to Christmas songs are most probably because the diversity of the music. You can hear the piano sound, the ringing of the bell and also the sound of harp playing beautifully. Most of the Christmas songs contain all these three music instruments as the basic sound. Oh I almost forgot. They must have choir in it. That's what make the song more lively and it feels like everybody around you stand up and sing the song together with you. I love choir very much.

I have so many Christmas songs in my laptop and I listen to them not only during Christmas time but if I feel like listening to it, I'll put it on my playing list and listen to them. It's not wrong. In fact, it gives me boast to do my work and nurtured me about loving somebody and have fun in life. Erkk, I don't thing that last bit is necessary. Hehe. Anyway, my favourite songs are always been 'Silent Night', 'Santa Is Coming To Town' and some other classic Christmas songs that I don't even know the title. Oh, 'Silent Night' does have the 'Jesus' written in it but I'll skip that part if I'm gonna sing it out loud. Hahaha. David Archuleta had sung this song and I love his rendition so, this add another reason to why this song is one of favourite. There are also songs sang by my favourite singer, Celine Dion and Mariah Carey but they are too many to list down here so, you just google it okay.
So, end of Christmas part 1. Stay tuned to part 2. I'm gonna talk about the Christmas celebration itself. Until then, ciao!
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