Still in Christmas mode. So, as part of my Christmas celebration (haha), I think this is the right time for me to publish this entry that I've been writing and writing, you know, it's not hard to please Cik Seri and actually win her contest. For more info regarding this, just click here.

I know some of you might already heard about the contest as Cik Seri's Cicak & Lelabah blog is quite famous among Malaysian bloggers. Plus, the prizes are awesome and one couldn't simply walk away from her blog without joining the contest. The prizes are soooo tempting. Hahaha. What, you think I'm making up stories?? Just go and see it yourself. But please, don't enter the contest, or my chance of winning is slim. LOL. Okay, now let me tell ya what make me sooooo eager to join and win the whole thing. Apart from the prizes, which are a total makeover of your blog and mystery prize. Yeah, you heard me right. Total makeover of your blog. Oh, and there's also a special-made header for you to win. Wouldn't that awesome!? I bet they are.
The reasons why I need the makeover are so many to list. I mean I can write 5 or 10 entries just to list down the reasons. But I don't wanna cause Cik Seri a headache so, I'm gonna compress all the reasons and write it all here. Less space required. Hehe. Anyway, I really need the makeover because I've been using the same template and the same header since the day I started blogging, and it was a year and a half months ago. Thanks to my pal who gave me the link to this template coz I wouldn't know what would happen to my blog if I hadn't use this one. Next thing is the header. It looks cool, isn't it? Yeah, to get that, I've to pay RM?? for a header. I've tried to make one myself but I ain't good at using Photoshop or Photoscape. I even tried to use Paint but urghh, it didn't even look like a header. Seriously.
One more thing is how many blog that use English as the medium. Perhaps Cik Seri haven't met on that really really stand out among all the blogs that use Bahasa Melayu as the medium. If there is, I believe it takes more than a good writing skills. I would love to be one of them, and to be that, I really need your wicked makeover and high-creativity header, coz people will be amazed by how cool the header is and will follow my blog at a instant. That would be a dream come true for me to make my blog known by people. And I can use the popularity to spread news about anything good. I love my blog as much as I love my future girlfriend. Yeah, I'm still single and available. I can give you my digit if you want. LOL. Kidding.
So, ermm, to conclude my super-long begging entry, yeah, I would like to call that, coz I'm begging Cik Seri to make me the winner, hehe, I'm gonna tag 2 of my friends, Eipul and Bena coz I thought their blogs may need a makeover too. I'm not saying their blogs are unattractive but I'm sure they're gonna agree with me. Hehe. So to lovely Cik Seri, I wish you all the best in choosing the winner and hopefully I'm one of the shortlisted blogger to receive the super-cool prizes. Ciao!
p/s: these will be waiting for you Cik Seri if you choose me. LOL.

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