skrg ni musim dak2 U apply UPU online. sume tgh gumbira dan pening2 mau pkir kos ape nak isi. even my friends pn tgh dok pikir mau apply ke tak. sure good to be like them. me? nahh, i'm not thinking of doing so. not bcoz i don't want to, but bcoz my result is the only thing that stand on my way.
well, actually its my fault gak coz tak serius masa study dulu. skrg hambek ko! aku jd tukang tgk jela dowg sume apply UPU. and come to think of my future, i'm kinda nervous and worry whether i manage to continue my study in the same kos or not. yeahh, it's my fault. so mom, dad, you can put the blame on me.
i never thought that pursuing in degree level is this hard. i mean it's a lot work to do. nak apply UPU tu pun aku dah pening kepala. dgr cko kate, kena buat surat then hantar kat setiap U yg kita apply tuh. nak kena sertakan sekali borang berhenti sekolah, result SPM segala. aduhh, ssh btol. kalo sumenye online kan senang.
up until now, i can barely see the future in front of me. its blurry and seriously i tell you guys, i really don't know exactly what i wanna do for money. even i'm taking this kos now, of course i'll be an MLT after this. working in lab. private or gov, that's second thing. but the truth is, i'm not gonna work as MLT for my entire life. that's zero for accomplishment. be a
i don't want 5 or 10 years later, i regret everything that i did in my life. that's totally a scary thing to be happening in someone's life. come on miracle, please come to me! i need you now, desperately. as desperate as the refugees in Haiti. pity them. may God Bless them all.

24 puji aku smart:
gua isi separuh jalan jerk. rilek jerk
kesiannye kat diorang~
untuk budak2 stpm , 2 ari lg akan isi brg ..
sy pun pening !! jom kte pening same2 .. hehehe
wah2x... ada hati nak jd Hollywood star nih!
well bro, plan your future la. jgn ikut haluan angin je mcm sesetengah org.
kita hidup bkn utk hari ini sahaja. as u know, beribadahlah spt kamu akan mati keesokan hari dan berjuang utk hidupmu spt kamu akan hidup utk seribu tahun lg.
just my 2 bath, i mean.. 2 cent. hehe.
gud luck bro..
just hv faith in urself..
n dont stop trying..
usaha tangga kejayaan..
jangan cepat putus asa bro!
goodluck dear.
don't worry. u surely can do it. :)
Paraxixth ~ apsal separuh jalan plak. was was r tuh. haha.
Ery ~ sape? refugees in Haiti? yup, pity them.
Muslimah ~ utk budak stpm 2 hari lagi? aik, ni yg mane plak? ayoyo, lagi pening aku adela. huhu.
Ejay ~ hollywood star tu impian sume org kot. hehe. anyway, thanx a lot for da cents. really appreciate it. =)
I'msosupernotcool ~ don't stop trying and don't stop believing. thanx bro! =)
Z@ck ~ thank! =)
Fitriah ~ yeahh, i can do it. thanx1
wah susahnya nk apply now ni..nape jd camtu plak??bukan patotnya now maken senang ke??
ey.chill la.x yah pikir sgt.
go with the flow.
Yaziith ~ =)
Iyllienaz ~ taw takpe. sbb kalo nak apply kat U lain, kena hantar surat kat U tu sendiri. then dowg nak segalam macam dokumen. it stress me out!
Atok ~ yeah tok, tak leh nak chill r skrg. tension aku. huhuhu.
judine ~
heyy ... wassup. rilexx ok
di mana ada kemahuan disitu ada miracle.
trust me ... berdoa n lapangkan dada ...
Frodo Baggins ~ hehe. hope miracle will come to me. thanx dude. btw, do you have facebook. add me.
i wish all d best to u :)
Arieza ~ thanx girl! =)
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