Salam to all my readers
ok, in my previous entry, i mentioned that i have a story to share with you guys. so, here it is. when is the last time i write an emo entry?? quite a long time ago i think. entry ni bkn emo sgt pn sbnrnye. huhu.
ok cni, yesterday, i went to pasar tani at my place. i was waiting my mum picking out fish from the seller when suddenly i spotted a familiar face. at first, i didn't really give a damn to that coz otak aku jam, sakit perut dowh time tuh. then when the person came closer, i finally figured out the face. it was my former bestfriend, Ijah (bkn nama sbnr).

did i just mention she was my former bestfriend?? yeah, we used to be close to each other back when we was in secondary school. but there was an incident happened between us, something that i did, that make she hate me to death. but seriously, i didn't mean to do all the things i did to her. i was stupid at that time and if you ask me if i regret it, 100% yes!
i saw her but i was afraid to approach her and great her. afraid if she still hate me, and still mad at me. when i was looking at her, walking side by side with her little brother, she wasn't looking at me. maybe she didn't know that i was there. it's been a long time since the last time i saw her face. i don't even know whether she has FB account or not. actually, i already forget about us right after i finish my high school but seeing her yesterday, make me recall my memories.
i wish she can text me, if she didn't delete my number yet.
dunno if she can read this...
ok, in my previous entry, i mentioned that i have a story to share with you guys. so, here it is. when is the last time i write an emo entry?? quite a long time ago i think. entry ni bkn emo sgt pn sbnrnye. huhu.
ok cni, yesterday, i went to pasar tani at my place. i was waiting my mum picking out fish from the seller when suddenly i spotted a familiar face. at first, i didn't really give a damn to that coz otak aku jam, sakit perut dowh time tuh. then when the person came closer, i finally figured out the face. it was my former bestfriend, Ijah (bkn nama sbnr).

did i just mention she was my former bestfriend?? yeah, we used to be close to each other back when we was in secondary school. but there was an incident happened between us, something that i did, that make she hate me to death. but seriously, i didn't mean to do all the things i did to her. i was stupid at that time and if you ask me if i regret it, 100% yes!
i saw her but i was afraid to approach her and great her. afraid if she still hate me, and still mad at me. when i was looking at her, walking side by side with her little brother, she wasn't looking at me. maybe she didn't know that i was there. it's been a long time since the last time i saw her face. i don't even know whether she has FB account or not. actually, i already forget about us right after i finish my high school but seeing her yesterday, make me recall my memories.
i wish she can text me, if she didn't delete my number yet.
dunno if she can read this...
30 puji aku smart:
owh that shweeett....
i've ones that made me hate him too..
owh. sorry to hear dat dude. i know what it feels to lose ur bestfriend. ive gone thru once. ;)
what? go talk to her, man!
kenape xtegur je dia?
mungkin dia xmarah dekat kamu lagi
what ever it is,past is past
trust me =)
make a new life with ur bestfriend =)
btw, saya doakan kamu berkawan kembali dgn beliau
tiada lagi benci smp mati =)
Aminnn =)
bak mai num i text you! :p
meby die da lupe cite lame tu..
np xtgur je..
waah,,ko mesti ada perasaan kat dia kan...
say hello next time u meet her k?..
Famous ~ believe me, it's not all sweet!
Farah ~ we're in a same ship la my dear. hehe.
AG ~ no man, i'm not strong enough to face her yet la..
StrewberiManis ~ i dunno, it's just feels so hard to face her la. thanx for da prayer! aminnn..
Daffodil D ~ u nak text i? watpe? nak ejas i ke? hahaha ;P
Lionteen ~ dunno. not ready yet to face and talk to her. hehe.
Z@ck ~ i used to have feeling towards her but that was long time ago la. it's a old story. hehe.
Najmie ~ erkk?? dunno la. huhu..
yeah..ko da kne attack ngan cupid ag r neh (:
jadi jantan la weh.
klu x nak pon x pe.
tapi sila la potong kasi anjing makan sajork ok?
u noe wut,
memutuskan silaturrahim tuh berdosa besar tahu?
Si Polan ~ huh?? meaning??
Atok ~ cmon la bro, sume manusia pn sure ada pengalaman cni, di mana mereka ssh utk berhadapan ngn sesuatu benda.
aku bkn memutuskan silaturrahim, just i dunno what she think about me now.
Salam dari kamu buat kamu
kami sdg baca entry anda wow bagusnya citer... salam sebuah persahabatan salam kenalan dari kami.... thanks kongsi cerita pada kami ye
wahh... is this the case where u fell in love for ur own bestfren? n that caused her to hate u? gitu? heheh
alaaaaa...apsal ko tak tegur die?tape2..ade chjance lagi tu nati..insya-Allah...
look, mmg sume ade prasaan sampai bile?
u hve to face it ok.
ape yg die pikir pasal ko, tu blakang cite.yg penting, ko kene berhadapan ngn die dulu.
ok bro?
Afzainizam ~ erkk, is this some kind of spam?? but thanx for reading btw.
Arieza ~ like your theory, but nope, not like that. huhu. but falling for your best friend is common nowadays. =)
Chokio_nia ~ harap chance tu ada lg. huhu. pray for me plssss. =)
Atok ~ ok ok, i blew the chance, i get it. i try to no being so scared of my past and hope that i will get to see her again.
thanx for da advices dude! =)
weh, barang lepas tak payah dikenang.
Hehe. Ko try ar msg dy, mungkin dia still ingat sama ko. =D
Eipul ~ huhu. insyAllah. doakan aku ek.
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