Day 1
pada tarikh 23 dan 24hb Januari yg lalu, yakni hari Sabtu dan Ahad, aku dan my besties along with our dearest sis, K.Sue and K.Yus were on trip in Melacca, the historical city. drp apa yg aku tgk dan rasa, Melaka is not a boring city at all. before this i thought Malacca was boring and dull, you know, the history thingy, but i change my perception as long as i arrived there. Melaka wasn't like what i've imagined. it's breathtaking. huhu.
ktowg gerak sana dalam kol 11 pagi Sabtu dan tiba kt Melaka 35 minit selepas itu. kowg kira sediri la ek kol bape. hihihi. then jemput K.Sue and K.Yus. the atmosphere when we all meet was quite akward but it only last for 1 minute. the craziness of us took place.

first we searched a hotel to sleep then we headed to our first destination of the trip, Zoo Melaka, which was quite boring actually. most of the animal there are the type which active during the night. so, all they did was sleeping and we can't even see a single tiger walking and roaring. but whatever it was, we did enjoy walking at the zoo.
pastu ktowg pusing-pusing bandae Bandar Hilir. ramai gak org time ni. hujung minggu la katekan. A Famosa ngn Bangunan Stadiust (btol ke ejaan ni???) tempat wajib. aku mengaku agak jakun time. yelah, first time jejak kaki kt sini (ok, boo aku ramai-ramai!). tgk A Famosa dgn kawasan sekeliling bajet cam sampai Belanda plak. haha.

balik hotel jap, salin baju, mandi ape sume, then sesi night out plak. agak excited coz nak naik River Cruise pusing-pusing bandar neh. hehe. sekali lagi aku jakun di sini. best woo, angin tiup sepoi-sepoi bahasa jek. after that, oleh sbb tak taw nak g mana, ktowg karok. agak menyesal gak karok kat situ coz lagu pn tak update, mahal plak. tp, sbb nak try karok ngn sis dua org tu, takpe lah. lepak-lepak kat Bandar Hilir tgh2 malam ni best coz lampu lip lap lip lap. cerah aje. we headed back to our hotel around 3 am. fuhh, mata mmg da stim giler dah time neh, terus tido tak ingt dunia.

(Part 2 will be continued..)
18 puji aku smart:
bawak aku ek laen kali.
sakan naaa
bezzzz.... :)
judine ~ gamba makan2 xder ke?agaggagaga. slu g trip mana2 ... pic makakan adalah WAJIB TAYANG ...hahaha
uiks...dok melaka lepak hotel mane?
Yaziith ~ ko bayar duit tol ngn minyak comfem aku bawak!
Z@ck ~ kuaq jalan-jalan, mana tak sakan. haha.
N.J. ~ ye bro, mmg best.
Frodo Baggins ~ gambar makan takde stok r kali neh, coz lepas penat jalan2, makan mmg kusyuk. huhuhu.
Aidi-Safuan ~ ktowg sewa hotel budget je bro. Hotel Mesra Saidah. kat Bandar Hilir.
next time kalo nak dtg holiday kat melakalg, roger2 adie k..leh adie jd tourist giude je!!!
no kidding dude..
~daniel adie~
wah sakan dia berjalan!:)
Adie ~ hahaha, ok dude. harap leh jumpa ko gak kalo g Melaka nnt. jgn time tuh ko xde plak. hehe.
Arieza ~ sakan la time ada duit. time takde duit, dok diam kt umah ja. haha.
woi... xlengkap la gi melaka xgi mydin terbesar tu weyh... xpon plenetarium...
T_T dah bertahun ak kat melaka tp xnah jejak lg kat situ...
welcome to melaka..hehehe
Crazy_labelle ~ mydin tak singgah la, lalu je. ada planetarium ke?? tak taw plak. huhu. len kali aku roger ko r kalo nak turun Melaka.
Pudding Pie ~ thank you! =) hehehe
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