AWESOME! FUNNY! GREAT! EXCELLENT! haha. that's how i describe Toothfairy. not the real flying toothfairy, i mean the movie, entitled Toothfairy. the acts like Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Ashley Judd and Julie Andrews are among the cast in this comedy movie. to those who haven't watch it yet, please do so as you'll be laughing non-stop and it's so hilarious.

i read the review of the movie, of course there were people who like and there were people who don't like. there was a comment that caught my attention. she said that she couldn't stand watching The Rock playing a laidback and comedy role. some of them want he in an action movies. well, maybe we all know The Rock from WWE and he used to be a wrestler, but hey, it doesn't mean he have to stick to one role, that is action. if he can plays comedy, why not. we love him being silly and joking around.
but whatever the comments are, this movie is worth your money. go watch it with your friends, or bring your whole family to the theater and have fun. Julie Andrew mmg seswai bawak watak fairy godmother. huhu. this movie is about someone who doesn't believe in fairy. as a result, he has been summon to the fairyworld and have to serve as toothfairy as a punishment.

ok, put aside the movie. earlier in the cinema, ada la adegan drama berebut seat. iyllienaz, bukan ko sorg je wat drama dlm panggung taw. haha. ada la sorg uncle tu, duduk kat seat ktowg. ktowg senyap jela, duduk seat lain. we thought the seat is unoccupied, but then there was this moron, came and asked for his seat, which happened to be the seat that one of my friend was sitting. yg tak bleh blah, speaking lagi tu. aku taw la tu seat ko, tapi at least berbudi bahasa la sikit.

lepas dah masing2 dpt seat, baru lah leh tgk citer ngn aman. bajet btol la pakcik tuh. bukan ktowg taknak bangun pun. dah ada org tua duduk kt seat ktowg, takkan nak halau suh pakcik tu bangun cepat2. mmg takde kesabaran r that moron. seb bek citer ni kelakar habis, leh cover ktowg yg tgh panas. huhu.
whatever it is guys, you gotta watch this movie. haha. you can't handle the tooth!
p/s ~ click here to watch the movie trailer.
22 puji aku smart:
olooo best gile ek cite ni?
rugi pulak tak tengok cite ni hari tu
oh yeah..
hahaha..funnyy sgt cita ni :D
eh..ada name aku wey..patot la tersedak2 masa aku pilih buku td..arini ramai org tgok movie ke??
I won't watch if the actor is The Rock. HAHA :D
aku suka the rock punya gigi..
cantik oh!
Fitriah ~ best. btol2 best. gelak mmg tak henti-henti. huhu.
Enyheartsdiamond ~ hahaha. dah tgk ek. funny kan.
Iyllienaz ~ time aku tgk tu mmg full. huhu. tersedak takpe, seb bek tak tercekik.
Khaleeqa ~ what's wrong!? i thought everybody lve The Rock. huhuhu.
Z@ck ~ hahaha. agree! =)
npe aku tgk cam xbpe best je?haha. tp yg sme mmg ada drama rebut seat.
jalan cite dye bese jek tapi mmg gelak evry single tyme ah! (:
i like the rawk!
wah mau tengok jugak la :)
Razman ~ mungkin drama rebut seat di pawagam merupakan sub-plot bagi cite neh?? musykil..
Si Polan ~ kah kah kah gelak tak berenti!
Yaziith ~ i like him too! can you smell, what The Rock is cookin'. hahaha.
Arieza ~ tgk je. mmg tak rugi. hehehe. =)
tgk gamba je da mcm lawak..haha..nati nak tgk ah..
Chokio_nia ~ wajib tgk taw, jgn tak tgk..
mmg gile gelak aku tgok cite nih..
the rock is damn gud in comedy..
much btter than seing him on the wrestle thing..
I'msosupernotcool ~ yeah, The Rock is great in comedy. he should do more comedy movie i think. but i like him both in the movie and in the ring. =)
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