Salam to all my reader
ok, this time, no video. why? coz aku penat nak tunggu upload video lembap cm siput babi tua yg cacat. bayangkan betapa lembapnye siput babi tu selembap line tenet kt sini. so, instead of posting a vlog, i change it into regular post.
ok, i'm gonna skip about the new year thing. da byk sgt kot blog yg tulis psl neh. as you all know, school holiday is gonna end. so, anak-anak and cucu-cucu arwah Tok Wan Daud had come up with an idea - bbq at the house. this event took place yesterday, at the house porch. all of us, bapak-bapak, ibu-ibu (da cm lagu inul la plak!) dan anak-anak berkumpul kat umah Tok Wan as early as 2 pm. acara bbq ni start lps asar. sebanyak 6 ekor ayam, 10 ekor ikan dan satu paha kambing telah selamat dicicah sos bbq.
ok, this time, no video. why? coz aku penat nak tunggu upload video lembap cm siput babi tua yg cacat. bayangkan betapa lembapnye siput babi tu selembap line tenet kt sini. so, instead of posting a vlog, i change it into regular post.
ok, i'm gonna skip about the new year thing. da byk sgt kot blog yg tulis psl neh. as you all know, school holiday is gonna end. so, anak-anak and cucu-cucu arwah Tok Wan Daud had come up with an idea - bbq at the house. this event took place yesterday, at the house porch. all of us, bapak-bapak, ibu-ibu (da cm lagu inul la plak!) dan anak-anak berkumpul kat umah Tok Wan as early as 2 pm. acara bbq ni start lps asar. sebanyak 6 ekor ayam, 10 ekor ikan dan satu paha kambing telah selamat dicicah sos bbq.
actually 19hb Dec baru-baru ni, we already had a vacation together at Pasir Puteh. the activity there was the same as today, which is bbq. but who cares coz the feeling of being together and seeing each other faces are what really matter. although i'm not very close to my cousins (well, some of them) but i had a great time and enjoy being with them. but unfortunately, i didn't get the chance to capture those moments. huhu. bcoz of that, i chose pictures when we was at Pasir Puteh to be uploaded.

p/s ~ aku xtaw nape, mse aku upload pic neh, takbleh nak stop. asyik upload je. sb tu pic byk sket utk entry neh. erkk! ;P
22 puji aku smart:
besh nyer..hihi..da lame giler rase nye xmandi swimming pool..ehe..
wow...rumah sapa ada pool nih? gila 6 ekor ayam...mau senak perut...
suka pic yg 3rd las tu
cute ah budak tu
peha dia nampak tembam
geram2 ekekeke
btw, siapa budak tu?
adik? sepupu?
haha..siput babi jadi duta line internet..
Niesz ~ yup, sgt2 best. lbh2 lg kalo sume sedara mara join. hehe.
AG ~ ni bkn pic kt umah tu, ni pic time ktowg g vacation. 6 ekor ayam nampak banyak kan tp ktowg bedal tak sampai 1 jam. haha.
StrewberiManis ~ haha. paha dia nampak cm drumstick kan. nyum2. she's my cousin and she's the one who i'm babysitting. =)
Iyllienaz ~ haha. tu kalo line slow gler r.
slow itu HAWT!!!
wow bestnye mandi manda kat swimming pool. da lama da tak gi swimming pool. hehe
ko tangkap jek siput tuh.wat masak lemak.
this is nice man
Shah ~ satu je yg HAWT kalo line tenet slow, aku la!! rse cm nak hempuk je broadband neh. haha.
Fitriah ~ yup, best glerrrrr!
Atok ~ aku tak ske masak lemak weii, aku kasi bakar je, cicah ngn air asam. haha.
Seroja Jingga ~ it wasn't nice, it was wonderful! hehe. =)
penutup segala cuti ek hehehe
wa best gila family day korang. LOL
happy new year!
Arieza ~ yup, aktiviti penutup cuti sekolah. hehe. =)
Eipul ~ man, where have you been?? ni family day besar-besaran neh. hahaha.
happy new year to you too! =)
ak plak tadak family vacation tahun ni coz kononnya kazen nak bertunang..last2 tak jadi ..haish
Z@ck ~ tak jadi tunang? wat suspen je kan. nape tak ko je yg ganti tmpat dowg? hehehe.
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