gud day..hopefully..
kowg ade xkwn2 kowg to say cth la ek, kalo time nk stdy, dia pgi dok ngn mamat A neh.. then kalo time nk b'suke ria, dia dok ngn kowg.. means every bnda yg kwn kowg wat tu, ade owg yg b'beza la..(seyes kowg xphm ayat india aku neh, xpe, phm2kn la..)
dlm 20 thn aku idop atas muke bumi neh (syukur, umo pnjg lg..huhu) da byk pngalaman b'kwn aku ade.. kowg pn mst byk gak kn.. well, like i stated above, aku pn ada kwn yg cm2.. bkn nk kte aku ni choosy or emo t'lbh (dats my fren call me), tp diz is juz sumthg dat i feel n i dunno how to stop it from growing in my heart..
sumtimes, ade gak r terase ngn dia neh

aku bkn nk dia slalu ngn aku, nnt owg syak len plak kn.. tp yla, if only i cud find a way to throw away diz negative feeling, da lama aku buat.. hehehe.. it's kinda hurt but i getting used to it as i can'y live without my fren and hopefully i won't be..
basically, diz frenship post is wat i'm feeling towards my fren.. xksh la kt skolah menengah ke, kt U ke.. all included.. i'm posting diz not to blame them on wat happen or not to judge them.. i juz wanna share my thots to da world (cm da kuar topic sket..hihihi).. hopefully, i'll be a better fren from now on..
~end of part 2, stay tune for part 3~
2 puji aku smart:
all i can say is they r human..they make mistakes tanpe sedar..kadang2 kite pon buat ape yg kwn kite cant blame them gak..kalau da taw die tu camtu, accept them the way they r..n takyah la pK2 sgt, cz pk=saket ati+pening=emo..stay cool k~~
like i said, i'm not blaming them..
i juz write wat i feel when it comes to the situation..
i can accept them the way they r, but, they also must accept me, da way i am..
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