aahhhhhh! lega sungguh lepas telan panadol activast tadi. two tablets is enough to make my migrain, which i've been feeling this past few days, go away. it was like something inside your head, waiting to burst. whenever i look down, the pain was even painful. thanks to my friend for your sense of caring. and after swallowing those medicine, pufff, the pain gone.
and about the choices that i wrote in my previous entry, actually after reading all your comments, its ease me a lil bit to make the choice of my own. thanks a lot to you guys, who dropped by and shared your thought with me. thank you sooooo much. actually, i'm still in the midst of choosing what seem best for me to further my study.

a little update about what's goin' on in my practical days. i'm now in Hematology Lab, a lab that deals with blood and all kinds of disease that related to blood. boring?? hmm, not really. i actually enjoy using the modern and expensive machines there rather than doing the bench work, which i must say, quite similar to biochemical lab. both in Integration Lab. the staffs there are so talkative and kuat gosip you know. haha.
hmm, i think that's all for now. very short entry. don't have the strong point to share with you guys so, i'm afraid you guys will be yawning reading this entry. a little of each things is enough. until next time.
22 puji aku smart:
ku pon nak pergi lab gak ni
haha...tengok kat house md. malaria xleh detect kat komputer. kena cek sendiri kat mikroskop baru bole nampak. tak tau betol ke tak. hehe
hoh, semangat tol ko wat entri. siap wat lakonan tgh migrain..haha
hehh btw gud luck la yepp :D
Joegrimjow ~ wahh, selamat ke lab!
Aidi-Safuan ~ tak bleh detect kat komputer?? maksudnye? yup, mmg kena tgk kt mikroskop, tgk morphology cell dia. panjang pulak kalo nak elaborate neh. nnt aku wat entry khas utk tu ek. haha.
Razman ~ aku wat ape pn mmg semangat. kira menjadi la lakonan aku tuh. haha.
Cik Akma ~ thank girl! =)
gud luck!!
don't t8 too much panadol..its not good 4 ur health..
~daniel adie~
Adie ~ yup, thanx for caring. will remember your word. hehe.
ko medic rupenye..
all the best in making the decision :) take good care of ur health :)
OMG, I haven't been to ur blog for such a long time.. u changed ur header, cool! =D
hey, go see a doctor ok..
i like ;)
ade migrain..
lionteen kesian sgt tgk org migrain ni...
lg2 tgk mak klau migrain..tahan sakit..
I'msosupernotcool ~ dude, no, i'm not taking medic la, i'm in Medical Lab Technology course. google it to know more. hehehe.
Arieza ~ hehehe, thanx girl! =)
Atok ~ golongan2 hebat cm aku je yg selalu dpt migrain neh, byk pikir org kate. hahaha.
Najmie ~ where have you been girl?? i like my header sooo much. haha. thanx. i already went to see the doctor la.
Yaziith ~ everyone like gossip. it's the best therapy in the world. especially for the makcik2 kat umah. hahahaha!!
Lionteen ~ taw takpe lionteen. nak menahan sakit tu, aduyaiii, seksa. nak taw sakit cne, alamilah sendiri. hehe.
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