Salam to all my readers
people say that its not nice to complain about your sickness coz its the sign that Allah loves you and He want to clean your sins by making you sick. i think i heard this from someone that can be trusted. i'm not gonna complain anything, but seriously, this so-called migrain really make my head heavier. but no matter what, i choose to hold on with the saying. been to the doctor, ate the medicine, but, nothing change. arghhh!
up until now, i just hope that there's nothing serious, only a ordinary headache or migrain. don't want to get diagnosed with cancer or tumor, no, no, i'm still not ready for that. oh shit, i shouldn't have said that. if you guys know what kind of diseases that have migrain as the symptoms, do let me know.

ok, enough of that. actually even though i feel sick at the moment, but i'm still happy coz right now, i'm home, in Kelantan. ahhh, it's sooooo good to be home. padahal baru sebulan kot aku kat Seremban. sebulan aku tinggal umah, bilik aku dah berubah 60%. the floor, the bed, the color of the wall, all changed. duit byk lebih kot bulan ni, tu yg habis ubah bilik aku. hahaha. but never mind, it's great to see that. don't know what else will change if i come back 3 months later.
ohh you know what guys, i nearly missed my bus yesterday. it was my bad bad timing actually, and thanx to my buddy, Farris, who drove like crazy just to get me there on time. haha. have to spend my hols at my uncle's place, or even worst, at Seremban if i didn't arrive there on time.
but now i'm here, so, there's nothing to worry about but enjoy every single minute here. hehe. until then, see ya! =)
people say that its not nice to complain about your sickness coz its the sign that Allah loves you and He want to clean your sins by making you sick. i think i heard this from someone that can be trusted. i'm not gonna complain anything, but seriously, this so-called migrain really make my head heavier. but no matter what, i choose to hold on with the saying. been to the doctor, ate the medicine, but, nothing change. arghhh!
up until now, i just hope that there's nothing serious, only a ordinary headache or migrain. don't want to get diagnosed with cancer or tumor, no, no, i'm still not ready for that. oh shit, i shouldn't have said that. if you guys know what kind of diseases that have migrain as the symptoms, do let me know.
ok, enough of that. actually even though i feel sick at the moment, but i'm still happy coz right now, i'm home, in Kelantan. ahhh, it's sooooo good to be home. padahal baru sebulan kot aku kat Seremban. sebulan aku tinggal umah, bilik aku dah berubah 60%. the floor, the bed, the color of the wall, all changed. duit byk lebih kot bulan ni, tu yg habis ubah bilik aku. hahaha. but never mind, it's great to see that. don't know what else will change if i come back 3 months later.
ohh you know what guys, i nearly missed my bus yesterday. it was my bad bad timing actually, and thanx to my buddy, Farris, who drove like crazy just to get me there on time. haha. have to spend my hols at my uncle's place, or even worst, at Seremban if i didn't arrive there on time.
but now i'm here, so, there's nothing to worry about but enjoy every single minute here. hehe. until then, see ya! =)
26 puji aku smart:
migraine huh? been drinking neskepe too much perhaps?
hepi la judiene ye da kat klate..
hepi holidays!
selaamt bercuti weih
slmt makan limau banyak2...hehehe
njoy ur holiday..
migraine ke? sure ke migraine.. ish2.. susah jgk kalau tumor..tumor xp.. if benign.. tp kalau dh smpi thap cncer, malignant, parah..
so cek je tol2 dkt pakar if dh mlrt sgt..
jgn lupa mkn budu :p heheh slmt cuti2!!
AG ~ nope, it's been a while since i drink my last nescafe, which was last year. huhu.
Ribena ~ never been happy. hehe. selamat bercuti! =)
Farah ~ happy holidays too! =)
Hans ~ da tak larat nak kopek limau dah neh. huhu. selamat bercuti.
Lionteen ~ same goes to you girl! =)
Bella ~ wah wah wah, no need to elaborate more on that ok, gosh. huhu. thanx for da advice.
Afzainizam ~ erkk?? who the hell are you? no spamming plz!
Arieza ~ sorry my dear. i'm not a budu fan. hehe.
happy holiday~
Cik Akma ~ happy holiday too! =)
hepi hols dude..
just take care..
go see the docs..
they'll noe btter..
than me off course..
weh, makan ar ubat weh. Risau aku. Huhu
Ko ok ar, dapat gak balik umah cuti. Aku pektikel, takde cuti panjang. Rabu nak kena sambung keje balik. Siot tul. Haha
hahaha not a budu fan ek.. hehe kita pun xpnh rasa mkn budu :p ape rasa dia ek? :p macam masam je huhuh
I'msosupernotcool ~ hahaha, you got me!
Eipul ~ syg gak ko kat aku ek. ahahaha. aku hari selasa dah kena blah da, sama la weyh, aku start keje pn rabu gak.
Arieza ~ erkk, budu suppose to be salty, not sour. hehehe. maybe u try yg expired punya kot. ;P
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