Salam to all my readers
i just read through newspaper this morning and i read about IPT students who run a campaign call 'No Panties' for this Valentines Day. seriously, i was quite shock, i mean how come this kind of campaign can be done in the IPT in Malaysia? was the authority there don't know about this?
i may not good to enough to mingle with this thing but clearly it was something that in my point of view, stupid and not very IPT-look attitude. hello, you actually live in Malaysia, not America or England. so you should alert and aware that we don't do things like that here. i have nothing to argue they celebrate the day by giving presents, i mean a real present, or just hanging out with friends. i'm ok with that. but having sex and make a campaign about it, no, that's totally bullshit. ridiculous.

valentines day, or V Day is overrated. they suppose to call it Vagina Day, coz virgin vaginas are mostly 'sacrificed' on that day. haha. suggested by my friend, that idea. sounds horny to me but good for those who celebrate it by having sex.
owh, this entry made specially to all Muslim who contribute their energy, ideas or whatever kind of sources to the 'No Panties' Campaign.
22 puji aku smart:
bangang la sape wat kempen tuh! tu org yg bukan islam~
kempen yg mengarut...
hey man,
baru hari ni internet ok..punye lah bertahun tak dtang sini.
all i can say! fuck em'!
stupid! i mean..gua penah muda..tapi tadelah enjoy sampai mcm nih!
this is good one.keep it up dude!
eewwwwwww. Nk bg adiah pon, beragak lah adiah ape nk bg! eee
ape la nk jadi skg ni ekk
Perkara ni mcm wabak dan virus, tau?
Mcm ni : aku ada seorang kawan, anak ustazah dan ayah dia juga bukan calang-calang tokoh di tempat aku. Kiranya, kalau nak dikatakan dari segi didikan agama, insya-allah boleh tahan.
Once upon a time, dia juga ada berfikiran bahawa V-Day adalah perkara taboo dlm masyarakat Malaysia (amnya) dan Islam (khususnya).
But, dia lupa ketika dia berfikiran mcm tu, dia belum kenal apa erti jatuh cinta.
So, jump to the klimaks, dia terlanjur dgn first love dia, beberapa bulan selepas terpengaruh dengan kawan2 yang asyik bercerita pengalaman V-Day masing2.
Aku juga pernah bercinta. Tapi, wallahualam bisawwab, aku mmg tak berapa gemar mengadukkan idea luar dalam hubungan aku, it's like "thaffak? This is about us, why the hell should we brought outer stuffs".
Sejujurnya, ego aku yg tinggi dpt juga aku pergunakan seeloknya dlm mencegah perkara mungkar mcm ni.
Whoa. For real? Which IPT?
yaaa my lecturer also mention about thisss! ahahhaha :D
Kay ~ hopefully org yg bkn Islam, kalo org Islam, wahh, hebat!
Zella ~ nonsense? right..
Seroja Jingga ~ these people enjoy like there are no tomorow, in a bullshit way! ahahaha
Bella ~ erkk, what did i say??
Ribena ~ dah akhir zaman cik Bena oii..
Paan ~ wahh, what a story. great thing your ego can be used in a good way. hehe.
Nerojei ~ dunno which IPT but it stated in newspaper that the campaign was organized by IPT students. hope its not UiTM. hehe.
Farah ~ hahaha, thanx! ;P
Cik Akma ~ shows that i'm alert with things happen around me. haha. clap clap!
fakap la owg2 begitu.haiss...
Si Polan ~ fakap. fakap. fakap!
Arieza ~ that's what keep me wondering about. how come they slip from the authority..
vegina day?
make sense~
Hellioz ~ u like it don't you?? ;P
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