first of all, you can see i seldom update my blog nowadays. maybe 1 entry in 3 days. just so you guys know that i've been busy reading few novels which will be written in a separate entry, so watch this space ok. but for now, i got to answer several tags from blogger Azam Shah, which i'm so sorry coz only now i got time to answer them. ohh, not to forget, i also got awards from him. this one i like. hehe.

ok, tugas bg sesiapa yg telah menerima award ni ialah:
1.tulis sebuah entry pasal award ni kat blog korang. nak tulis apa? sila baca yg selanjutnya.
2.ceritakan bagaimana usaha korang utk mencomelkan blog korang. contoh macam korang mengubah suai blog sampai tak tido malam ke, etc. juga sertakan sekali 2 website yg korang slalu pegi utk membantu korang mengedit blog. sila jgn kedekut ilmu, ya. kita mesti saling berkongsi. :)
3.tuliskan 5 perkataan yg menggambarkan diri korang. contoh: pandai, pemalas, pelukis, pembersih, peramah.
4.tag kawan2 korang yg korang rasa patut menerima award ini.
1.tulis sebuah entry pasal award ni kat blog korang. nak tulis apa? sila baca yg selanjutnya.
2.ceritakan bagaimana usaha korang utk mencomelkan blog korang. contoh macam korang mengubah suai blog sampai tak tido malam ke, etc. juga sertakan sekali 2 website yg korang slalu pegi utk membantu korang mengedit blog. sila jgn kedekut ilmu, ya. kita mesti saling berkongsi. :)
3.tuliskan 5 perkataan yg menggambarkan diri korang. contoh: pandai, pemalas, pelukis, pembersih, peramah.
4.tag kawan2 korang yg korang rasa patut menerima award ini.
here is the answer..
well, to be honest, it was quite a hard time for me in order to make this blog alive and as cool as today. when i was started blogging earlier last year, i don't know there were many things to learn. you know, the coding, the design of the template, the header. ohh, speaking about header, i really like the header i'm using now, coz it is what i wanted it to be. i asked someone to design it for me, and it should fit my description of how i want it to look like.
and for the rest of my blog, i usually go here to learn few tricks and coding used in blogging. it's kinda useful for me, which explain the hidden chatbox and several few widgets in here.
5 things which reflect me are i like shopping, i'm a heavy eater, like chocolate as much as i like sambal belacan, not very talkative (depend on situation) and can be a bit moody sometimes.
well, to be honest, it was quite a hard time for me in order to make this blog alive and as cool as today. when i was started blogging earlier last year, i don't know there were many things to learn. you know, the coding, the design of the template, the header. ohh, speaking about header, i really like the header i'm using now, coz it is what i wanted it to be. i asked someone to design it for me, and it should fit my description of how i want it to look like.
and for the rest of my blog, i usually go here to learn few tricks and coding used in blogging. it's kinda useful for me, which explain the hidden chatbox and several few widgets in here.
5 things which reflect me are i like shopping, i'm a heavy eater, like chocolate as much as i like sambal belacan, not very talkative (depend on situation) and can be a bit moody sometimes.
PENCIL yang besar
Menunjukkan kesenian yang begitu peka terhadap blog anda dan mencerminkan sesuatu nilai penghasilan.
FILEM bergerak tanpa henti
Menunjukkan AWARD ini di FOWARD kepada bloggerist yang betul-betul layak menerima.
LOGO bulat berkelip-kelip
jika di perhatikan betul-betul, ia adalah manusia yang berkepalakan monitor komputer. ini membawa maksud anda adalah seorang yang begitu bijak menguasai dunia alam maya ke globalisasi.

1. Apa yang bermain difikiran you all sekarang ?

1. Apa yang bermain difikiran you all sekarang ?
geram nak hempuk broadband ni, line lembap nak mampos!
2. Apakah nama samaran you all ?
Judiene Helsmley / Judiene Marno
3. Berikan 3 orang yang you all sayang ?
diri sendiri, family dan kawan.
4. Panggilan untuk sidia .
woii! hahahaa!!
5. Hadiah yang you all impikan dari seseorang yang istimewa .
new gadget kot..
6. Blog mana yang you all suka visit ?
blog mereka2 yg dlm list Blogga tu..
7. Tag kan kepada 15 blogger you all .
malas la nak tag org..huhu..
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