Salam to all my readers
Actually, as happy-looking as i am, there is something bothers in inside. it kinda spoiled my holiday. my raya was great but my holiday, tsk, not so great. wanna know why? i put the blame on all assignments given by my 'super-caring' lecturer, who think that i might drown in boredom this holiday. see, they are really 'caring'.
But hey, i'm not the only one experiencing this major problem. majority of students are facing this overload homework phenomenon. all of them are sooooo damn lazy to move their asses and sit in front of the desk, finishing the workload which have to be submitted as soon as the holiday is over. and as for me, i haven't done anything yet. sheeesh.
i was thinking of updating my blog with the reunion thingy i was talking in the previous entry but all of a sudden the spirit fade away. oh oh, here it coming. i can sense it. yeah, i have strength to write about it. ehehehe. let's get started shall we?? well, the Ex-Sri Suria 3 Batch 2001 reunion took place at Ali Imran's place. he was in another class, and i was quite a shy boy back then so that explains why i didn't remember him or realize his existence. LOL. but now we are friends. ermm, i think so.
we have planned this since July and we thought of doing it earlier but everybody seemed all over the place and hard to contact so, we decided to gather them first via Facebook and then set a date, which was on September 12 (3rd day of Syawal). i was so excited that i was worried about what to wear and how to react in front of them. so funny. but as soon as we reunited, everything went naturally, like we were in standard 6.
a lot of catching up going on, lot of cam-whoring and definitely lot of food. the food is the core of a meeting or ceremony. i wasted no time to dig in and it was delicious. thanks to Ali's parent who gave us a warm welcome and make us feel like home. we were there until noon and after having so mush fun and taking picture with the whole crew, it is time to depart and wish everyone good luck, hoping that this meeting can be organized again in the future.

~ look at me, i can't stop eating! ;P ~
~ the whole crew ~
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