Salam to all my readers
as i'm typing this entry, i don have any idea what to write, what to share with u guys. hurmm, i'm kinda running out of idea nowadays. people say if u don have anything to write, better don't write. keep things low for a period of time then if u have stories, make it boom. people will miss ur blog and ur crappy entries. u know what i'm saying guys. but i think that doesn't work for my blog. so i have to keep it updated, hehe.
time flies without we even noticed what we've done in between. unlike kerol, i don't want time to pass me faster. haha. i want it to be slow and steady, enjoy every single minute doing things that i love. haha (cm poyo je ayat aku). sedar xsedar, i've completed first part of my practical session. i learnt lot of things through the journey. bad, good, everything. i've met very cool people there, make some new friends, which was a very good experience in order to enhance my communicating skills. maybe people out there don't understand this, but i'm really glad that everything went well.
next sem, next year or whatever next, i'm hoping that there's a space for me to do good and beneficial thing. sounds weird rite, hahaha, i know. so no need for u guys to think about this. start next part of my practical, ade kwn yg da xkn kembali ke hospital. those yg da tamat ssesi practical mereka, bubbye. kalo yg dkt2 area Seremban xpela leh jmpe la. no hal la kalo setakat nk lepak2 ke, layan karok smpai 2 3 pagi ke. hahaha. xabes2 karok. tp pd yg tggl jauh tu, ssh la sket nk jmpe ek. xpe, kalo umur pnjang, jmpe gak nnt.

skrg aku da kt umah, xde wat pape pn. aku kembali menjadi babysitter to my baby cousin, named Damia. she's adorable. hehe. ingt nk cari keje part time tp cm ssh je nk dpt kt area umah aku ni. yela, bndar Tanah Merah ni kecik aje. pizza hut pn xde taw. tu yg plg frust. kalo pawagam or bowling centre tu xpyh ckp la. xdpt la aku nk tgk 2012 kt wayang. seb bek smpat tgk Jennifer's Body before blk aritu. hahaha. superb r cite tuh. aku ske! megan fox mmg membuat air liur meleleh. menggiurkan. haha. that's da fact ok, not like i'm gila seks ke ape ke. hehe.

k la, enough of my entry yg karut lg mengarut ni. but before i go, aku nk suggest kt korg la kan. skrg byk lagu2 baru, try la layan lagu neh :
- Jesse McCartney - Body Language
- Justin Bieber - One Less Lonely Girl
- Britney Spears - 3
- Jason Castro - Let's Fall In Love Again
- Backstreet Boys - Straight Through My Heart
- Lady GaGa - Bad Romance
- Allison Iraheta - Friday I'll Be Over You
byk lg sbnrnye tp tkt pnjg lak entry aku ni. hahaha. kalo korg ade lagu2 best, gtaw la aku. k. c ya!
17 puji aku smart:
dah balik?.. takpa2, lepak umah dan membesarkan bdn la yek.. hahaha.. erm, dah lama tak tgk wayang and karaoke.. rindu ahh.. nnt2 nk pegi.. huhu..
btw, u look cute in the last picture.. (^^,)
Najmie ~ bsrkn badan? tu la yg I try nk elakkan...hahaha..thanx for da compliment.. ;p
one republic-all the right moves
justin bieber-one time
tokio hotel-automatic
tokio hotel-word behind my wall
haha..will update 2 u more l8er
blk umah..
tngkan pkiran.
sgt besar mate beby mia..
Violet ~ both OneRepulic ngn Justin Bieber songs tu i da dgr. best. tp yg Tokio Hotel blom ag. thanx for sharing with me. hehehe. i'm a big fan of David Archie and Jesse McCartney u know!
Lionteen ~ xbley rilex2, xbley mkn tito aje, nk bg badan i gemuk ke?hahahaha..dah la skrg pn da overweight..mata baby mia kcik je sbnrnye, tu die t'kejut tgk flash kamera..hehehe ;p
besau nye mateeeeeee.. :D
Daffodil ~ mate baby mia mmg besau..hahaha..tkjut die tgk lampu flash tu..
thnx sbb bg list lagu.but lagu jesse ngn jason cm x brape nk menarik perhatin.thnx gak kat violet!!slalu2 la update kn eh.haha
thx 4 vwing my page..
u got a nice blog here..
keep up..
atok ~ bru nk sggh blog aku ek atok neh..majuk r..huhuhuu~~
btw, lagu2 dowg xbest ke??atok minat lagu cne? ;P
i'msosupernotcool ~ hahahaa, thanx for viewing mine too..n for da compliment! :)
Cik Epal ~ jom la karaoke! jom2! =)
masa tak terbang.
kalo ye pon, sempat g nak kejar.
Yaziith ~ finally, i can see the funny side of you..thank god ;P
slalu je la jengok.
tp jdi silent reader.kengkunun misteri.
aku suke yang laen2 tu la.
selaen jesse ngn jason.
yg laen ok.huhu
Atok ~ kunun2 misteri nusantara r neh..hapedahhh..lagu jesse ngn jason tu try dgr byk kali bru lkt kt ati..hahahahahaa (nk gak suh dgr :P)
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