Salam to all my readers
hurmmm, it's been raining for 2 days here, non-stop. kalo stop pn still hujan renyai2. dan selama 2 hari tu jugak la aku mandi sekali sehari. it looks like banjir buat kali ke 2 akan menyusul la kat Kelantan ni. sonok la budak2 kat sini, bleh main air banjir. tapi korg jgn xtaw, mak bapak budak pn ade gak join sekaki mandi air banjir ni. mula2 "polan, jgn main banjir tuh, bahaya", lama2, "ishh, budak ni, xdengar cakap btol la. nak kene aku turun jugak". ayat cover mak bapak, kononnye nak tegah anak padahal niat di ati jeles tgk anak main banjir. hahaha. xbleh blah.
ok2, ni baru msk main point entry ni. smlm, dlm hujan yg ala2 gerimis tuh, me and ma dad went to this restaurant, selling food like burger, pizza and all McD-Pizza-KFC-kinda food. what i wanna share with you guys is the name of the shop. it's sooooo hilarious and kinda stupid if i think twice. so not creative and soooo, ermm, never mind. take a look at da pics i took yesterday while waiting for the food. takut die pnye bos marah, aku snap pic ni snyap2. cm totally spies la plak.

if you guys can't see clearly, look at the second pic below.

seriously it made me and my dad laugh and we can't keep ourselves from making jokes out of the name. sooo not creative isn't it. i mean, it's like you copy the well-known McDonald name and redesign it a lil bit then tadaaaa - MacDe! Pizza die pn jadi Pizza Hir. and you know what, the worst part was when my mum actually asked me to do part-time job there. then i told her, "umi, along nak keje kat situ pun segan". hahaha. honestly guys, it's because of the name that made me embarasse to work there, yela, walaupun rezeki tu halal kan, but, come on la.
but i like the interior design of the shop. it's not like Wow!, its just the design make the shop look expensive, at least 'expensive' than the name. hahaha. i like the idea of painting the ceiling black coz by looking at the ceiling only make you feel like you're in a expensive boutique or high-standard shop. hahaha. but beside all that, the pizza here can be categorized as B la, means boleh laaa. sedap la jugak kan. kene la ngn nama pizza die tuh. tapi burger die, hmmm, sedap lagi burger yg aku beli kt stall tepi jalan kt Jalan Rasah, Seremban tuh.
but i like the interior design of the shop. it's not like Wow!, its just the design make the shop look expensive, at least 'expensive' than the name. hahaha. i like the idea of painting the ceiling black coz by looking at the ceiling only make you feel like you're in a expensive boutique or high-standard shop. hahaha. but beside all that, the pizza here can be categorized as B la, means boleh laaa. sedap la jugak kan. kene la ngn nama pizza die tuh. tapi burger die, hmmm, sedap lagi burger yg aku beli kt stall tepi jalan kt Jalan Rasah, Seremban tuh.

tgh2 aku dok bz snap pic dlm kedai tu, aku pasan ade sorg minah ni dok usha aku je. aku nmpk ngn hujung mata aku. kowg taw ape aku pikir?? salah, salah, mst kowg ingt aku nk kte yg minah tu tgk aku sbb aku hensem kn. hahaha. bkn, bkn. aku nk ckp, yg minah ni pelik la tgk aku amek gambar cm2. haishhh. aku pn buat2 la taip mesej, mne taw, kot2 minah yg usha aku tuh anak tawke kedai tu ke, sekali dia repot, mampus aku.
ok la, enough with the crappy things. but one thing for sure, i hate the name. i really mean it! why they don't just create a totally different brand. if Pizza Hut or McD staffs look at the restaurant, i'm sure they will laugh out loud, with tears oozing from their eyes and they will make fun out of it. i'm sorry if anyone offend with this entry but i'm just expressing what i feel towards this thing. if you guys hate it, or feel like i'm being too cruel writing like this, haha, sorry but i don't give a damn about that. until then. daaa~~
p/s ~ kpd sape2 yg berkaitan dgn kedai tu, buat la penjenamaan semula. lawak r name kedai cm2. hahaha. k, peace!
32 puji aku smart:
np malu lak..
bangge la keje kat situ..
bukan sng nk jmpe..
xde branch len lak tu kat ne2..
gua bkn nak mkn pon segan
tp sbb arini gua puasa so nak mkn pon tak bleh..
entri lu ni mencabar otak kelaparan gua saja
banjir? wahh...mesti judiene betambah putih nnt yela asik terperruk lam umah je kan?
MACDE? kelakar giler..hahhaha...kalau nak tiru pun buatla nama lain...nie tiru xagak2..hehe
Lionteen ~ ha'ah kan. sepatutnye kne bgga. satu2 nye kedai dlm mesia neh. mwahahahahaahaa!
aku klo bab2 mkn ni x malu sgt..
myb they wan it to be humorous..
but still...
Koyuki ~ haha, lek2. jgn sbb bce entri aku ni terus ke dapur lak. hahaha.
Kak Lalink ~ haha, taw xpe. ni kalo lg seploh hari lg ni, kulit da sme ngn org jepun neh. hahaha.
mmg kelakar, sgt2 kelakar. xbley blah! ;P
wow, that's lame beyond all reasons.. =P
dekat seksyen 7 shah alam... kedai mamak ada "MekVaule".
I'msosupernotcool ~ aku nk masuk dlm kedai tu pn tgk kiri kanan, kot2 ade yg kenal aku. mwahahahahaha. segan siot!!
lame gler..
kat cni pon de cmtuh gak.
kedai orang turki.
jual pizza.
nme die PIZZA HIT!
aku de gamba die tapi cam x leh plak nak letak kat cni kan.
asal ko tau suda.
orait ar tu. sedap tak?
1st skali...
berbangga ler makan MacDe n Pizza Hir...Brand Buatan Malaysia tu....semangat 1 Malaysia gitu.
Najmie ~ hahahaa, now you know! :P
i can't stop laughing everytime i look at the shop
so hilarious!
Bahu Jalan ~ first of all, wow, what a name! hah, kt shah alam pn ade gak! i don't know why these people didn't have the gut to create new and different name from what we already have. seriously! hahaha..
Atok ~ again! ade lg kedai cm2. tp tok taw x, at first aku ingt kedai kt tempat aku ni Pizza Hit coz huruf 'r' pd Hir tu xbape jelas. apedaaaa!
Kerol ~ pizza die bleh tahan r. yg len2, hmmm, xberbaloi ngn harga! xsedap!
Mr.Homosapiensz ~ yeahhh, sokong la barangan buatan mesia, walaupun kualiti rendah!!
p/s ~ xsemua berkualiti rendah.. :P
haha..dlu tym aku blak´ja kat langkawi de name kedai tu KLG..kunu nak tru kFC..tapi trase hampeh
aik..xkene saman ke kdai tu nnti..niesz pnh nampka gak mcm kat kelantan..but yg ni lain..burger die mmg sedap..hihi..
siyes?? i baca this entry smbil gelak2
lucu2 ;)
btw, kdai ni kat mana?
bes x burger dia? =)
kelakar gile~
tapi interior dia not bad ar. Cuma tak baik lah tiru orang lain untuk laku kan dia punya produk. Tak kreatif lor tokey dia. LOL
Chokio_nia ~ ade gak?? aduyaii, manyak btol kedai2 cni.. dowg ni cm lgsg xde idea nk create brand sndiri..
Niesz ~ Macde? kat kelantan?? kedai yg i citer ni kat kelantan la. dkt ngn umah i. xkan kedai ni pun ade branch kot?? :P
StrewberiManes ~ hahaha, keep laughing. kedai ni kat kelantan. burger die kureeeng la. tp seb bek pizza die bleh tahan la.
Eipul ~ yup, taw xpe. interior da ok da, slek kt nama kedai tu jela. nmpk sgt cm malas nk develop style ngn brand sndiri. bek xpyh bukak kedai.
hey judiene,giler extreme kes meniru diorg burger king yer logo pon skali ade masuk kat belakang tu.isk isk.mengong.neway thx for following me ok. :)
i follow i follow
hish... aku nak baca pun segan
Nazz ~ haha, tu la cmpuran sume restoran fast food kt mesia neh. seb bek kenny rogers xde. haha.
thanx for following me!
keep in touch!
Ejay ~ haha, dah tu bce ke x neh?? :P
mcm bangang nama kedai tu...tapi usaha tokey kedai tu nak berniaga gak memang class...
tengok, lu kutuk2 pun lu makan situ gak kan?haha....
AG ~ semangat kental tokei kedai tu, walaupun dikutuk dan dihina..hahaha
aku makan tu 1st time la bro..sje nak try..
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