Salam to all my readers
ok, straight to the main point ek. malas nak update pasal keadaan banjir kt sini. ok, here we go. pernah tak korg mimpi satu mimpi yg bersambung2? i mean, you had this dream long time ago, and then yesterday you dreamt the sequel of the dream. pretty funny isn't it. pagi tadi, lps subuh aku mimpikn satu bnda ni. dulu pn aku pnh mimpi psl bnda ni gak. kali ni sambungan dia. org kte tak elok cite psl mimpikan, tp takpe, aku ttp nk cite gak, walaupun ingt2 lupa je neh. haha.
yg buat aku hepi, ialah dlm mimpi tu aku adalah seorang wizard. cm Harry Potter la, tp wizard kelas bawahan coz dlm mimpi tu aku struggle sket nk gune power aku. tak gune wand pn, gune tgn aje. ade 5 watak dlm mimpi aku tuh, including me. wizard2 lain sume pro, just aku dgn membe aku je yg struggle sket. kire kdg2 bleh kuar power, kdg2 tak bley. that explain why our task is to destroy a low-class aliens (haha, ktowg lawan alien). my power is to produce green light from both of my hands and the aliens will burst to death if they're expose to my green light. haha. kowg bygkan jela cne aku angkat tgn aku, halakan ke arah alien tu.
~ imagine i'm wearing a black robe and doing just like that to produce the green light ~
it maybe looks easy to destroy the aliens but here's the trick. i must avoid direct contact with the alien, kalo tak, immune aku decrease. lbh krg cm2 r. yg jd drama sket dlm mimpi aku tu ialah masa semangat aku jatuh gara2 aku tak bleh produce green light tu. berlatih gigih ni, nk lawan alien. cuaca plak kejap ribut, kejap hujan (maybe time aku mimpi tu hujan, tu yg effect mimpi aku tuh), buat aku lg ssh nk fokus. gler r, bru taw ssh gak nk jd wizard neh. nk lwn alien pn ssh, bayangkan ktowg berlima, lwn beratus2 alien. aku plak struggle nk lwn, mmg thriller r mimpi aku neh. seyes.
~ cni la lbh krg aku lawan, bygkn la yg hijau tu aku ~
ktowg pnye battle terbahagi kpd 2 round. 1st round, ok lg, coz alien xramai. kire aku mampu gak la mengawal keadaan. sempat hancurkan 2 3 alien. haha, bgga jap. masuk yg 2nd round ni dah huru hara. ramai plak gang2 dia dtg. member2 aku yg ada wand sng sket la, aku dua org je kne gune tangan. saat genting bila ktowg dah tak dpt kawal keadaan, very chaos at that time, we couldn't handle it. and that was when one of the alien manage to touch my body, and i felt weak all of a sudden. my teammates were all worrying about me and they took my body to a safer place. then, tiba2 je aku terjaga, dgn berdebar2 jantung aku. geram gak nape la tiba2 leh t'jage. shoot!
byk lg actually aku nak cite tp ingt2 lupa la. aku hepi gler coz i'm a big fan of Harry Potter so it's always been my dream to live in a world like Harry and have power like a real wizard, you know, own a wand, which clearly i'm not gonna get it in real life. dpt mimpi pn jadi la kan. bila ingat blk, wow, what a journey! aku tak ingat mimpi yg dulu tp mmg mimpi aku ni bersambung. it's weird but i like it very very much!
p/s ~ mintak2 la mlm ni aku mimpi sambungan yg ke-3 plak..hahahaha!!
ok, straight to the main point ek. malas nak update pasal keadaan banjir kt sini. ok, here we go. pernah tak korg mimpi satu mimpi yg bersambung2? i mean, you had this dream long time ago, and then yesterday you dreamt the sequel of the dream. pretty funny isn't it. pagi tadi, lps subuh aku mimpikn satu bnda ni. dulu pn aku pnh mimpi psl bnda ni gak. kali ni sambungan dia. org kte tak elok cite psl mimpikan, tp takpe, aku ttp nk cite gak, walaupun ingt2 lupa je neh. haha.
yg buat aku hepi, ialah dlm mimpi tu aku adalah seorang wizard. cm Harry Potter la, tp wizard kelas bawahan coz dlm mimpi tu aku struggle sket nk gune power aku. tak gune wand pn, gune tgn aje. ade 5 watak dlm mimpi aku tuh, including me. wizard2 lain sume pro, just aku dgn membe aku je yg struggle sket. kire kdg2 bleh kuar power, kdg2 tak bley. that explain why our task is to destroy a low-class aliens (haha, ktowg lawan alien). my power is to produce green light from both of my hands and the aliens will burst to death if they're expose to my green light. haha. kowg bygkan jela cne aku angkat tgn aku, halakan ke arah alien tu.

it maybe looks easy to destroy the aliens but here's the trick. i must avoid direct contact with the alien, kalo tak, immune aku decrease. lbh krg cm2 r. yg jd drama sket dlm mimpi aku tu ialah masa semangat aku jatuh gara2 aku tak bleh produce green light tu. berlatih gigih ni, nk lawan alien. cuaca plak kejap ribut, kejap hujan (maybe time aku mimpi tu hujan, tu yg effect mimpi aku tuh), buat aku lg ssh nk fokus. gler r, bru taw ssh gak nk jd wizard neh. nk lwn alien pn ssh, bayangkan ktowg berlima, lwn beratus2 alien. aku plak struggle nk lwn, mmg thriller r mimpi aku neh. seyes.

ktowg pnye battle terbahagi kpd 2 round. 1st round, ok lg, coz alien xramai. kire aku mampu gak la mengawal keadaan. sempat hancurkan 2 3 alien. haha, bgga jap. masuk yg 2nd round ni dah huru hara. ramai plak gang2 dia dtg. member2 aku yg ada wand sng sket la, aku dua org je kne gune tangan. saat genting bila ktowg dah tak dpt kawal keadaan, very chaos at that time, we couldn't handle it. and that was when one of the alien manage to touch my body, and i felt weak all of a sudden. my teammates were all worrying about me and they took my body to a safer place. then, tiba2 je aku terjaga, dgn berdebar2 jantung aku. geram gak nape la tiba2 leh t'jage. shoot!
byk lg actually aku nak cite tp ingt2 lupa la. aku hepi gler coz i'm a big fan of Harry Potter so it's always been my dream to live in a world like Harry and have power like a real wizard, you know, own a wand, which clearly i'm not gonna get it in real life. dpt mimpi pn jadi la kan. bila ingat blk, wow, what a journey! aku tak ingat mimpi yg dulu tp mmg mimpi aku ni bersambung. it's weird but i like it very very much!
p/s ~ mintak2 la mlm ni aku mimpi sambungan yg ke-3 plak..hahahaha!!
26 puji aku smart:
pernah juga mimpi ber episode lg tu
big fan HP too..
lionteen xpernah lak mmpi mmpi yg same ade la..
mean mmpi tu 2,3x pernah mmpi..
ni msti byk berngan nk jd mcm hrry poter ni,tu yg mmpi tu kot..
haha, mimpi memang.. to be continued je.. best2..
tpi aku tk pna lak jdi a wizard.. nak try gakk..
ngiahahaha.sangat berbakat weh jd script writer.selambe.pasnih wat cite judiene the green tau leh kalahkan harry potter?hahaha
haha... macm komik plak..
kalo mintak lagi nak mimpi mesti xdapat.
:))) light tuu..
kalah incredible hulk..
Eazy ~ bape episod ko mimpi? wahh, gang Harry Potter gak neh. huhuhu.
Lionteen ~ xpnh ek? try r. best. elok gak berangan, tgk dah jd dah. haha.
Hazari ~ best wooo..
lps ni mimpi episod 3 plak =)
Atok ~ tu la, tak taw plak aku ada bakat terpendam jd script writer. haha. lps ni tggu, aku nk tulis novel plak. ngeeeeeee~~
Famous ~ mcm komik ke? mekacehhhh
Yaziith ~ mne taw?? haha. doakan lah semoga dpt mimpi cm2 lg. haha.
Z@ck ~ green light tu baru power bawahan je. kalo da upgrade nnt tak taw la kuar power ape lg. hahaha.
haha..minat sampai terbawak2 ke mimpi..pelik tapi menarek...
btw aku tak pena mimpi bersambung..mimpi ulang2 ade kot..huuu
gila indah.. mimpi kau..
alah dlm bape episode je....
yeah go HP...
dr blog:adekku sakit buah pinggang
Chokio_nia ~ nmpknye mcm aku sorg je yg mengalami sindrom mimpi bersambung. hahaha. actually byk lg aku rasa mimpi bersambung ni tp aku lupa.
I'msosupernotcool ~ mmg indah glerr! =)
Eazy ~ ooo, your sis suffered from sakit buah pinggang ek. innalillah. may she rest in peace. amin!
be strong k!
Dhada pernah mimpi dhada sdg bergelak sakan lps tu trjaga dr tidur, mmg betul-betul sdg bergelak . Hahaha member pun seram ja ;P
kau witch ke wizard? mwahaaha
Dhada ~ haha lawaknye. ni mst tdo tak basuh kaki pastu tdo dlm keadaan yg happy. dlm tdo pn bleh smbung gelak. hahaha. :D
Kerol ~ i'm a wizard ok! witch tu ko la.. hahaha!!
banyak kali kut
yg best mimpi ku naik kapal titanic
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