Salam to all my readers
it's been ages since i post up something like emo entry or i throw tantrum into this blog of mine. it feels great when you write about things you unsatisfy with, or something that make you upset but it seems that nothing emo happen to me recently so i might postpone my intention about that. i'm running out of idea actually so to make my blog updated, i would like to share with you guys some of the latest song that i know.
it's been ages since i post up something like emo entry or i throw tantrum into this blog of mine. it feels great when you write about things you unsatisfy with, or something that make you upset but it seems that nothing emo happen to me recently so i might postpone my intention about that. i'm running out of idea actually so to make my blog updated, i would like to share with you guys some of the latest song that i know.

- BLG - Two Is Better Than One (featuring Taylor Swift)
- BLG - Real Thing
- BLG - She's Got A Boyfriend Now
- BLG - I Told You So
i still haven't heard all of their songs yet but these three songs are, i think, got a very edgy-type of rock and i like how they made their guitars sounds. awesome. hahaha. macam pengkritik album plak aku ni but hey, if you guys have any latest song to share, do list it in the comment box. thanks for sharing.
15 puji aku smart:
gosh i luv BLG..
but stil missed them at world stage..
can i have their album too??
sharing is caring rite??
Diorang main style apa?
judiene, nk full album leh...
I'msosupernotcool ~ i missed them too..hahaha, me myself haven't download all the songs yet, coz the internet kinda slow over here..hehe =)
Paan ~ ko xpnh dgr lagu2 dowg ke?? Boys Like Girl, band rock from ape mksud soalan ko tuh?? :P
Dandlelinoid ~ haha, aku..aku pn blom abes donlod full album die lg r..try r donlod, kot2 kt tmpt ko cpt.. =)
nice song kan..da download da lagu ni..mmg layan abis..huhu..taylor swift!my favorite singer!
Niesz ~ wah, lme xjenguk sini..hehehe..yup, the duet song with Taylor is so cool and it!
sape nak full album leh klik kat atas tuh.
klu x leh klik, sila copy n paste ye.huhu
ouh lupe.da donlod, pastu kne extract dulu.die dlm format .rar
Atok ~ hahaha, lmbt r tok, aku da donlod da tgh hari gler lagu2 die..haha~~
martin johnson is archaically artificial hot
Koyuki ~ yeah, he's hot. thanx for commenting!
2 is better than 1 - sangat best! ;)
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