Salam to all my readers
it feels like i'm in winter season right now, with raining all day, the wind. make me feel sleepy all the time coz there's not much i can do, except for sitting in front of my lappy, checking my facebook, reading my friends' blog and finally sleeping. dah 2 minggu aku kat umah. basically doing nothing. mak aku suh cari keje, ade gak pgi cari. tp, sampai sekarang belum ada satu kedai pn yang call aku balik. so, i assume they are not gonna hire me.
bosan betol la. nak tgk wayang, kat Kelantan takde pawagam. satu benda yang hampeh bagi seorang kaki wayang spt aku (kaki wayang ke?? hehe). takkan kena turun Kuantan kot kalo nk tgk wayang. gile ke hape. nk donlod cter, cuaca hujan cni, slow la tenet aku. asyik dc aje. cm bangang aje. semalam dah taktaw nk watpe, layan la cter hindustan kt TV2, Hum Tum. cter ni aku dah berpuluh-puluh kali aku tgk, tp sebab jalan cter dan pelakon dia best, so aku layan jela. Saif Ali Khan dgn Rani Mukherjee tu. sape yang tak minat dowg kn (yes, i'm a big fan of bollywood movie, nape? tak percaye??).
it feels like i'm in winter season right now, with raining all day, the wind. make me feel sleepy all the time coz there's not much i can do, except for sitting in front of my lappy, checking my facebook, reading my friends' blog and finally sleeping. dah 2 minggu aku kat umah. basically doing nothing. mak aku suh cari keje, ade gak pgi cari. tp, sampai sekarang belum ada satu kedai pn yang call aku balik. so, i assume they are not gonna hire me.
bosan betol la. nak tgk wayang, kat Kelantan takde pawagam. satu benda yang hampeh bagi seorang kaki wayang spt aku (kaki wayang ke?? hehe). takkan kena turun Kuantan kot kalo nk tgk wayang. gile ke hape. nk donlod cter, cuaca hujan cni, slow la tenet aku. asyik dc aje. cm bangang aje. semalam dah taktaw nk watpe, layan la cter hindustan kt TV2, Hum Tum. cter ni aku dah berpuluh-puluh kali aku tgk, tp sebab jalan cter dan pelakon dia best, so aku layan jela. Saif Ali Khan dgn Rani Mukherjee tu. sape yang tak minat dowg kn (yes, i'm a big fan of bollywood movie, nape? tak percaye??).

malam tu, otw nk g makan, ade sorg pakcik tua ni lalu lalang dpn umah aku. aku tak kenal. tp bapak aku ckp owg tak bape btol tu. jiran2 pn tak suke. hari2 dtg dari umah ke umah minta keje. kalo yg baik sgt2 hati tu, upah la pakcik tu basuh kete ke, potong rumput ke. masa nk pgi makan tu, pintu pagar, grill sume kunci, haha, takut2 pakcik tu masuk umah. then pagi td, pakcik tu dtg lg umah aku. time tu aku tgh kusyuk bce paper Bintang Popular. kebetulan ayah aku bukak pintu, nampak pakcik tua tu, ape lg, hangin r bapak aku. dia tengking pakcik tu, kte xpyh dtg sini lg.
kalo bapak aku takde td, aku amek alih tmpt dia. haha. kasi marah sket itu pakcik. cam tak reti base. org tak btol, mane nk reti base. curiga btol aku tgk pakcik tu. bukan ape, org mcm tu, kadang2 jgn buat baik sgt. dah la tak kenal. taw2 nnt pecah masuk umah org plak. kalo hilang barang ok lg, takut2 nnt bunuh membunuh plak. lgpn skrg kn byk kes2 pecah masuk, bunuh dan rogol2 neh. haishhh judiene. too much thinking. haha. but it's ok la, prepare for trouble kan.
ntah bila hujan ni bk benti. plan gathering ngn member2 lama pn kena postpone. ckp psl member lama, i feel bad you know writing about my friend on my previous entry. i was angry and mad when i wrote it. i mean, i'm not supposed publicly publish the story about his wrongdoings. but it's too late already. cannot delete the entry la (although i know hoe to do so :p). moral value to all of you, never do that to your friend ok. seriously i mean it. it's not nice and people will think that you're selfish and have a bad attitude towards your friend. please change or you might end up losing friends.
~ Tokio Hotel ~
p/s ~ try dgr lagu Tokio Hotel - Hey You. it sounds good to me. hehe.
kalo bapak aku takde td, aku amek alih tmpt dia. haha. kasi marah sket itu pakcik. cam tak reti base. org tak btol, mane nk reti base. curiga btol aku tgk pakcik tu. bukan ape, org mcm tu, kadang2 jgn buat baik sgt. dah la tak kenal. taw2 nnt pecah masuk umah org plak. kalo hilang barang ok lg, takut2 nnt bunuh membunuh plak. lgpn skrg kn byk kes2 pecah masuk, bunuh dan rogol2 neh. haishhh judiene. too much thinking. haha. but it's ok la, prepare for trouble kan.
ntah bila hujan ni bk benti. plan gathering ngn member2 lama pn kena postpone. ckp psl member lama, i feel bad you know writing about my friend on my previous entry. i was angry and mad when i wrote it. i mean, i'm not supposed publicly publish the story about his wrongdoings. but it's too late already. cannot delete the entry la (although i know hoe to do so :p). moral value to all of you, never do that to your friend ok. seriously i mean it. it's not nice and people will think that you're selfish and have a bad attitude towards your friend. please change or you might end up losing friends.

p/s ~ try dgr lagu Tokio Hotel - Hey You. it sounds good to me. hehe.
26 puji aku smart:
sejuk = selimut = zzzz
no comment on the pakcik la.. huhu..
Tokio Hotel? Sorry la...x berapa into.
suke industan?
aq same~
tpi dah jrg dah tgk!
tokio hotel- durch den monsun bes gak..schreie pon bes..=)
btw, jgn la tengking..ckp bek2 kat pakcik tu..kot2 die bole phm..=)
betul kata2 mu itu judiene. mana tau pakcik yg wat2 giler/inesen tuh leh pecah masuk umah. kalau dier ganggu u lg kasi siku jer pala dier. haha. ganas tul i nih. sian dier.
per2 pun waspada lar sbb i pun ader pengalaman ngan org2 camtuh. ;)
Najmie ~ what a good equation. i think i'm gonna use it!
Paan ~ aku pn xminat gak tp sekali member aku suh dgr, best lak lagu dia. hehe.
chentaMAYA ~ aik, sama lg, aku pn dah jrg tgk. tp selalu gak dok cari sape yg ade cter2 hindi.
Chokio_nia ~ durch den monsun tu tajuk lagu dowg dlm german kn??
yg tengking tu sbb dah bape puluh kali die dtg umah aku. kali ni mmg xbley ckp baik2. heee~~
Dr.Darren ~ wahhh, for the first time you come to my blog and actually leave a comment. hehehe. just kidding.
about what you said, i couldn't agree more with you! =)
bace la buku kalo bosan2 tu...
(pandai nasihat org....sndr x wat!!)
kau minta bolywood?
hate it so much man..
wuuuuuw.....laki2 jrg minat bollywood~
Adie ~ erkk? bce buku? mcm bg aku ubat tido aje.
I'msosupernotcool ~ u hate it but i love it! hahaha~~
Daffodil ~ laki2 ade yg mnt Bollywood la, tp dowg cover2, control la konon2. i xcontrol, jujur dan tulus. mwahahahaha!
wait wait wait...
kat kelantan takde pawagam...?
layan hindustan ek?
cian kamo kn?
dpt merasakan keboringan kamo
xpe, cuti hayati keindahan sepanjangan hujan
nikmatttttttttttt =)
Ejay ~ can't believe it? believe it...
Yaziith ~ hahaha, ni lg sorg. ha'ah, mmg aku ni kaki lyn hindi movies. tak caye?? cter hindi best woooo..
StrewberiManes ~ btol3. sementara kte leh hayati keindahan alam ciptaan Tuhan ni, baik kte hayati sepenuhnye. haha. terskema la plak.
layan hindustan ke?'t like hindustan..
ak pn kaki wayang gak..
jom !
Z@ck ~ thanx for being my follower. hehe.
hindustan best ape, layan je tgk. ahahaha. aku mmg kaki wayang tp kalo blk kelantan mmg aktivit wayang aku stop. =)
sis pun peminat bollywood tapi pelakon yang kenal jela..kalau pelakon baru sexy2 tue nyampah skiet...over pada mat salleh..hehe
sis dah wat tutorial disable right click utk judiene...okey..nnt boleh la buat..
Lalink7 ~ owg pn mnat pelakon yg dulu2, seangkatan dgn shahru dgn salman khan. hehehe. kalo skrg priyanka chopra peberet. she's hot! haha.
owh, yeke. wat tutorial utk owg?? thanx a lot. really appreciate it! =)
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