money, money, money and money. duit, duit dan duit. those word are differently spelled but has da same meaning. every single people in this world need money. why?? bcoz money is everything.......nowadays. tipu la kalo ade yg ckp money is not everything. statement tu bg aku, is limited. meaning, hanya certain2 time je leh gne statement tu. but, most of the time, money is really what we need. u guys know why suddenly i talk about money? ha? anybody? ade sesape taw ke?? well, meh kte tgk sket demi sket.
ok, 1st. i'm in my practical session, so, my college doesn't give me allowance like they used to when we were at college. 2nd, it's nearly end of the year, and i already use all my ptptn loan. 3rd, i'm afraid and shy to call my dad and ask from him. then he'll say, "nk mntk duit bru nok tepon abah deh," huhuhu. ok la, i admit, i seldomly call my parents. but it's not like i'm the 'anak derhaka' ok. not at all. so have u got d answer why i write about this? haha, that's bcoz i'm officially broke now! ;pp yes, read my lips, bkn beruk la, aku xde duit. i'm penniless. bkn xde penis la. haisyhhhhh.

bayangkn la cne my dad gave me RM200, and i spent it all just in 2 weeks and plus plus?? no no no, aku xde boros ape2 pn, seriously guys. just makan, duit minyak kete, makan, more makan and more makan. see?? mne ade boros pn. kt sini, i spend rm10 ++ for my brunch and my dinner. dah la uitm xbg elaun utk student practical. aiyaaa. jelez tgk dak2 IMR and kolej2 len yg dpt elaun and xpyh byr blk (kalo ptptn loan cm aku kne behutang la smpai koje nnt). kalo nk iikutkn sejarah pembelian aku, this sem xdelah seboros sem2 lps. hahahaha. why again? sebabnye, sem2 lps aku tggl kt kolej, dpt elaun makan, tebal la sket poket. tu yg baju 2 3 helai beli. tgk movie la, jln2 cari makan la. tp alhamdulillah sem ni xseteruk sem2 lps but still, aku over da bajet.
ok, i admit la, aku pn byk g karok ngn member2 aku yg gile karok neh. haaaa, mmg, sem ni aku byk gler g karok. smpaikn aku yg mule2 segan nk nyanyi tetibe conquer tmpt karok tu kn. ahahahahaha. tu just hiperbola k. reti sket. tp x, karok tu pn bkn penyebab aku jd broke cni. ntah2 ade toyol mne dtg umah aku mlm, kebas sume duit aku. no no no, xmgkn. tp mgkn jugak toyol tu sbnrnye adalah jelmaan manusia, iaitu aku, sbb aku yg gne duit aku smpai abes. da da, mengarut plak!! owh ya, xingt plak, sem ni ade HARI RAYA, so shopping2 la sket. kowg taw, aku beli 2 helai jeans skali shopping. teeeeeeeeet. dah, dah jmpe da kt mne aku boros. heeeeeeeeeeee~~

aku penah gak google on how to manage your money tp hampeh. aku still fail. i'm a loser la when it comes to handling money neh. mgkn jugak sbb aku spend on food byk sgt, smpai aku jd gemuk. yeahh, u read my lips. i'm gaining a lot of weight la lately. cissss, cm poyo je, knon2 dlu aku kurus la. ahahahahaha. xcaye tgk pic sblh. i'm berisi already. haiyaaa. ok, msk topik baru plak. if u notice, my cheek, see, it's getting bigger and bigger. sory kualiti gmba kurang memuaskan. tp kalo kowg tgk aku overall, from top to toe, xdela nmpk gemuk sgt. mgkn ilusi optik kowg je tuh. ahahahaha. xbley blah.
wateva it is guys, moral value from this post are, handle your money wisely, buy what you really need, don't be 'boros2' k. aku pnh mengalaminye, so aku taw la cne pasaan jd boros ni. hahaha. then, satu lagi moral value. mkn berpada2. exercise lebih. kalo dpt jogging 3x seminggu tu kire ok dah tu. amalkan healthy and balance diet. haaa, amek ko, kalah Kevin Zahri aku bagi tips kesihatan. ahahahaa. renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal. :))
p/s ~ btw, Happy Halloween guys..
12 puji aku smart:
da tuka celcom? berbaloi2. jimat. HAHAHAHAA
kerol ~ aku mmg gne celcom la bro..huhuhuhu..UPAX lg..celcom mmg jimat gler!
erm...bahana karok, kalau dah sekali nyanyi, memang ketagih la...
mak ckp, jgn berkira when it comes to food.. (^^,)
happy halloween? judiene sambutkah? ahhahaha...
siannyer takde duit..takpe mintak la kat FAMA again..mst die bg nye kat anak kesayangn mereka nie..hehe
Peridot ~ hahahaha, taw xpe..skrg pn da ketagih da neh..seb bek kne jimat, kalo x, tiap2 mggu g karok..dahsyat2~~
Najmie ~ yup, i agree with ur mom..mkn je selagi bleh idop..erkkk..
Lalink ~ happy halloween pd sesape yg menyambutnye la..hihihi..k.lalink xsmbut ke?? mmg nk mntk ngn FAMA tp segan...hmm..mntk ngn k.lalink leh?? :DD
mesken baru ingat ayah.
same la kite..
my dad pun bg 200rm,tibe2 tgk purse duit da abis..
mcm xcy je..
lg2 duk ganu ni,kos die mmg agak tggi..
ptptn da abis cz ade sparuh duit tu lionteen smpan tuk amik lesen..
gile2 bajet skang ni..
tp terpkse gak mntak akak duit..
30 pun jd la tuk 7hr ni je..
Yaziith ~ mne de..hari2 org ingt ayah taw..hahahaha
Lionteen ~ hahaha, tu la psl..kdg2 rse cm kjap je duit abes pdhal gne utk mkn je..mknan pn da naik harga skrg..haisshhh
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