Yesterday was quite a fun day for me, my buddies and two sisters. It all happened without plan I even bought another shirt and it also happened, well, without plan.
So, our day started with a planned plan - attending our beloved lecturer's wedding which was held in Kajang. We drove there and it took us almost 2 hours drive from Puncak Alam to Kajang. That 2 hours include the where-is-the-right-way-to-Kajang game we played on the highway. In simple english, we lost. End of story! The wedding was in pink and purple theme which to me, one of the color I would love for my wedding in the future. Haha. Hey, we gotta plan our life, so this is part of my plan. It even got an ice-cream truck who give out ice cream for free. Yummy!

After taking pictures with the bride, which is our lecturer, we headed back home. On the way home, the thought of going to a mall and watch some movies popped up in my mind and after some deliberation, we have decided to go to The Curve and watch Khurafat, starring Syamsul Yusuf and on the rise actress, Liyana Jasmay. Well, the movies was quite slow at the beginning but it got scarier and scarier towards the middle part of the story. I give 3.5/5 stars to Khurafat because when I thought the storyline were good, Syamsul Yusuf acting however, a lil bit stiff I think. Liyana Jasmay on the other hand, superb like always.

I was thinking to watch Paranormal 2 since I took quite a time to get rid of the scenes from Paranormal 1 after watching it last year. It scares me to death man, I swear to God! I wasn't sure if I ready to go back and experience all the horror-ness again but I think I can handle it this time, hopefully. I have watched the trailer and omg, it really looks scary, maybe scarier than the first installment. Ermm, okay, I think I'm gonna drop this subject now! Huhu.
Hmm, what else that we do at The Curve? Let see, I bought a shirt accidentally because the color is grey and I have been wanting to buy a grey shirt before and it fits me just well. Not to big and not to small. Plus, it was on sale, so, I grabbed it as if I had RM1000 with me. Then we walked along the stalls around The Curve, my friends bought some stuffs and lastly, we went to Bangi Kopitiam for our late dinner. Yes, it was 11pm at we were having dinner with rice and curry and stuffs. This is fattening. I know. The food was good, delicious except for the a lil bit expensive price but it was my first time there so I guess it would be lame for me to pass it.
I think I'm gonna sign off now. Need to prepare for lunch. Until then guys, ciao!
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