Salam to all my reader
when i first saw the cover album of the runner-up of American Idol 8, Adam Lambert, i gasped and i thought it was a joke, or at least an unofficial cover of his album. but it turns out that the cover is really the official one and i don't know whether to laugh, to cry or to amaze. apparently, Adam wasn't kidding when he once told press in US that his debut album would sound "as if a '70s time-capsule blasted off into space and you're watching it through a holographic filter" coz For Your Entertainment is gonna look and sound like it.
~ Adam Lambert cover album ~
some say that the cover look very much like him, you know, the glamrock thing plus the eye liner and they would really like this cover. while the other say that this is the worst cover ever done by the Idol alum and they would be embarrassed to carry this cover up to the cash register. if you guys ask me, hmmm, apart of me love it and the other part just can't accept it. but who cares about the cover seriously, if the songs are all good, then why not to love it, right?? well, here are the tracks :
when i first saw the cover album of the runner-up of American Idol 8, Adam Lambert, i gasped and i thought it was a joke, or at least an unofficial cover of his album. but it turns out that the cover is really the official one and i don't know whether to laugh, to cry or to amaze. apparently, Adam wasn't kidding when he once told press in US that his debut album would sound "as if a '70s time-capsule blasted off into space and you're watching it through a holographic filter" coz For Your Entertainment is gonna look and sound like it.

some say that the cover look very much like him, you know, the glamrock thing plus the eye liner and they would really like this cover. while the other say that this is the worst cover ever done by the Idol alum and they would be embarrassed to carry this cover up to the cash register. if you guys ask me, hmmm, apart of me love it and the other part just can't accept it. but who cares about the cover seriously, if the songs are all good, then why not to love it, right?? well, here are the tracks :
- Music Again
- For Your Entertainment
- Whataya Want From Me
- Strut
- Soaked
- Sure Fire Winners
- A Loaded Smile
- If I Had You
- Pick You Up
- Fever
- Sleepwalker
- Aftermath
- Broken Opens
- Time For Miracles (2012 OST)
owh, btw, i'm so frustrated that David Archuleta didn't make it into the Best New Artist category in Grammy Award this year but the other david did. i mean David Cook of course and i hope he's gonna win.

p/s ~ Christmast is getting closer..
26 puji aku smart:
haah la..
mcm pmpuan pun ade..
time for miracles best..i loike..
nape cm girl lak adam lambert nih?
last nite kat Anugerah Skrin, Afdlin Shauki made a joke about Adam Lambert. He said something like... "Adam Lembut not Adam Lambert". I think its not appropriate mempersendakan kelemahan org lain.
adam cantek.
christmas is coming.
u dah beli baju raya?
:))) adam lampert ke??huhu..
da beli baju santa klaus??nak adiah..haha
i nak christmas gift gak!
Lionteen ~ ada la sikit2. hehe
Iyllienaz ~ yup, lagu best, movie pn best (walaupun aku tak tgk) =)
Farah ~ maybe sebab edit byk sangat kot. tambah2 lagi mekap cm2. dgn eye liner lg. but it's so Adam Lambert. hehe.
Ejay ~ ha'ah, mmg semalam adlin ada cakap cm2. tp i tak sure dia tersasul or mmg nak kenakan Adam. huhu.
Yaziith ~ baju christmas tak beli lg. nak tggu mid wat sale! ahahahaha!
Chokio_nia ~ minat gal la sikit2..hahaha..aku pakai baju mickey mouse la nnt, bkn santa claus..nak adiah? nnt aku letak kt cerobong asap umah ko..haha!
Famous ~ nak gak ke? naik la bajet cristmas aku nampaknyer..huhuu
my favorite singer..david archuleta...huhu..
teringin nk tgk die nyanyi live..
muka dia mcm ppuan lah
hoho =)
dah beli baju santa claus?
hantar hadiah depan umah i ok? =P
Niesz ~ yay, niesz, kita sama2 minat David Archuleta. i really like him (not literally ok)
StrewberiManis ~ maybe mekap kot. but he looks fatter now. hehe.
santa claus anta hadiah ikut cerobong asap la. kalo takde, anta ikut pintu dapur. haha.
is it going overboard if I ask this question?..
is he gay?
note :- I'm not a fan, i don't know.. so i'm just asking.. don't get me wrong..
Najmie ~ yes, he is =)
no wonder.. see, good looking guys are usually gay.. sayang betul, coz he's good looking.. oh well..
wait, u're not gay, right?.. =P
Najmie ~ so, is that mean i'm a good-looking guy?? =p
the cover album is so gay..
no wonder he didnt reveal his orientation till now..
I'msosupernotcool ~ looks like you missed the big part of him. earlier after he finished AI, he already told the press that he's gay. i mean, he didn't say "ok, i'm gay". he said something that reflect his sex orientation. huhu.
pejadah la adam lambert ni cuba buktikan (-_-")
david cook paling best among those~!
kan die ckap die bring muzik 70s back... zaman tu kan giler2... tgk je la mcm kiss... mekap seinci xhingat punye... tp lgu2 zaman tu mmg best... i love it... oo yeha2...
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