Salam to all my readers
i dunno what was happening to me last night. first, my glasses broke. it felt on the floor in my bathroom. thank god satu cermin je pecah. so, as i'm typing this entry, my eyes are a bit blur bcoz aku hanya guna satu cermin shj. so, pandangan belah kanan ok, pandangan belah kiri, blur. huhuhu. but it really starts giving me headache.
second, i had this dream. i dunno what's the sign but it really a crazy dream and obviously i wouldn't dare to do what i did in my dream, in my real life. my dream was actually me, drinking beer or alcohol. its a but scary and funny bcoz it scary when it comes to think that, i was drinking a beer, you know, i'm Islam and would never ever gonna drink that kind of beverage. and i'm actually taste it, like it was real. seriously, i taste it. i dunno how to describe the taste but it was aweful and very sweet.
i dunno what was happening to me last night. first, my glasses broke. it felt on the floor in my bathroom. thank god satu cermin je pecah. so, as i'm typing this entry, my eyes are a bit blur bcoz aku hanya guna satu cermin shj. so, pandangan belah kanan ok, pandangan belah kiri, blur. huhuhu. but it really starts giving me headache.
second, i had this dream. i dunno what's the sign but it really a crazy dream and obviously i wouldn't dare to do what i did in my dream, in my real life. my dream was actually me, drinking beer or alcohol. its a but scary and funny bcoz it scary when it comes to think that, i was drinking a beer, you know, i'm Islam and would never ever gonna drink that kind of beverage. and i'm actually taste it, like it was real. seriously, i taste it. i dunno how to describe the taste but it was aweful and very sweet.

and the funny part of my dream was one of the characters is Afdlin Shauki! it's weird coz how would Afdlin be in my dream? its like i was thinking of him and he ended up played a role in my dream. aku still ingat kata2 Afdlin, dia cakap "ko taw ko da buat dosa besar, dosa besar!". muka dia mmg serius time tuh. but why this dream? is it giving me some kind of sign or something? i asked my mum just now and she was surprised, but she said that it's all mainan tido. don't think about it too much.
unlike my previous dream which i still can remember the storyline, this time, it was chaos. the storyline was blurry and its like a mixture of something. i try to remember the whole thing but my mind was stuck at the drinking part.
i just, dunno..
unlike my previous dream which i still can remember the storyline, this time, it was chaos. the storyline was blurry and its like a mixture of something. i try to remember the whole thing but my mind was stuck at the drinking part.
i just, dunno..
20 puji aku smart:
yeay beli spec baru..haha
tula tido tak basuh kaki! ;p
slalu kalo mimpi blur2 tuh, die cm jd kenyataan.
bek ko doa bnyk2.
the afdlin shauki's part is the best. wkakakaa..
ko ni msti tdo x bc doa ni..
x pun x bsuh kaki..
ha..sbb tu mimpi macam2 2..
lpas ni mimpi ak plak ek..
like what ur mum told u;
"mainan tido je tu"...
jgn g try lak..
bile2 tido bace doa k hincik judiene
Iyllienaz ~ salah. tukar cermin aje. takde bajet la cik kak. hehe. :)
Fitriah ~ dah basuh la, lps buang air. huhuhu. :P
Atok ~ wei, jgn wei. aku tak mo r minum beer. i think, beer yg aku rasa dlm mimpi aku sama r ngn yg real pnye, coz cm mmg btol2 rasa dowh! seyes aku ckp! huhuhu.
Hazari ~ hahaha, aku pu suka part tuh. rasa cm berlakon dlm filem dia pn ada gak. hahahaha. harap2 jd kenyataan la. xD
Z@ck ~ uiks, doa mmh aku lupa baca tp aku da basuh kaki. huhu.
nak mimpi ko? ko nak yg mimpi cne? =P
N.J. ~ huishh, do not worry about that coz i'll never ever gonna try! you can count on me! hehehe.
Ribena ~ ok, pesan cik Ribena akan sy semat dlm ingatan. hehe. thanx for da advices guys! =)
beer... kat HP event aritu ada dia hidang.. siap ada wine lg.. n kebanyakan waiter n bartender Rootz Club tu melayu.. sedih sgt tgok.. air haram dah merasa dah pa.. hurmm.. don't try the beer.. it'll kill u! hoho..
u watched 2 much afdlins muvee kot..tu pasal lah..=)
dream..dream..dream.. it's only in ur dream
Najmie ~ kan event organizer dia bkn Islam, so, paham2 ajelah. waiter2 melayu kt situ harapnya tak terjebak la dgn minuman tuh. keje takpe, tp jgn minum. huhu.
Chokio_nia ~ hahaha, maybe la kot, coz afdlin is one of me favorite director and actor. lps ni nak mimpi fazura or maya karin la plak. =P
Famous ~ yeah, hopefully it's only in me dream! huhu.
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