Salam to all my readers
this is the second time i join contest that are organized by bloggers. the first contest was from Primadona69. ok, basically, this contest required me to upload a pic of mine in black and white. i dunno how she gonna judge all the pics but i actually feel like i'm in America's Next Top Model, you know, the part where the judges deliberate about the models' pics, before Tyra announces the eliminated model. haha.
so, here the pic that i'm gonna use for the contest. it was taken not too long ago, obviously it was at Putrajaya and it was taken by me friend (do i sound like Joe McElderry?? haha), WanZai. credit to him. i hope this pic will make it to the final (hahaha). finger cross!!

owh, almost forget. Ezzan Yusop is the one who organized this contest. ohh, and she's a girl. haha. i thought she was a man, so i addressed her as 'bro'. this contest ends on 31 Dec 2009.
this is the second time i join contest that are organized by bloggers. the first contest was from Primadona69. ok, basically, this contest required me to upload a pic of mine in black and white. i dunno how she gonna judge all the pics but i actually feel like i'm in America's Next Top Model, you know, the part where the judges deliberate about the models' pics, before Tyra announces the eliminated model. haha.
so, here the pic that i'm gonna use for the contest. it was taken not too long ago, obviously it was at Putrajaya and it was taken by me friend (do i sound like Joe McElderry?? haha), WanZai. credit to him. i hope this pic will make it to the final (hahaha). finger cross!!

owh, almost forget. Ezzan Yusop is the one who organized this contest. ohh, and she's a girl. haha. i thought she was a man, so i addressed her as 'bro'. this contest ends on 31 Dec 2009.
28 puji aku smart:
salam ziarah jugak. aku edit pakai photoscape je. ko pun same kan?
haha..malaysian next top model..
huiyoh..cun pic..=)
gud luck beb!!
g solat..
masjid dah dekat tu..
AcanCapik ~ ooo, ha'ah, guna photoscape gak..
Iyllienaz ~ layak ke masuk neh?? huhuhu..
Chokio_nia ~ maceh maceh!! =)
Z@ck ~ tu baru pas solat la. tak nampak ke sinar keimanan kat muka aku tuh!?? =P
thinking of joining too.. (^^,)
sori..u r out for this week.
this is the end for u from becoming malaysian next top cleaner.
sori darl~
kalo hadiahnya $$$$$$$$$$$$ confirm aku join!
Najmie ~ don't think, just choose your pic and join! hehehe
Atok ~ ohh my (nanges teresak-esak), i wanna be the next top model, thank you tyra for giving me this opportunity bla bla bla..
berangan la plak..
Ejay ~ unfortunately, it's not. huhu. but come on, just join for fun. =)
lawa pic judiene
cm ala2 p ramli pon de da gaya
dh macam model putrajaya..
nnti nk suggest kat najib la..
Ribena ~ macehh. huhu. wah, mcm p ramli plak dah neh. ehehehehe. macehh skali ag. =)
Zuewairy ~ "bagus cadangan tuh. bleh wat role model tuk 1malaysia gak. hahaha." kata najib. ;P
dah check dah bro... ;)
waaah camne nak masuk???
Ezzan ~ ok2, thanx! =)
I'msosupernotcool ~ thanx dude!
Famous ~ click je kat nama Ezzan Yusop tu then ikut la arahan selanjutnye. hehehe.
mASok cOnTeSt GAK??
gUd LuCk2
nice picca...
btw gud luck on ur contest...
Miez Hanem ~ thanx =)
Eazy ~ hehe, bese2 jela. macehhh! =)
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