Okay, as you know, today is the first day of Chinese New Year celebration of rabbit year. Speaking of rabbit, I'm pretty sure some of you have this cute fluffy animal as a pet, or might want to get one as this year is a rabbit year. We love seeing them running here and about, we love feeding them, we love patting them but how well do we know about rabbits?
I'm not gonna talk about rabbit facts or anything but if you are a fan of rabbits, it might interest you that there is a rabbit farm, called Rabbit Fun Land, located at Brogal Hill, Semenyih, Selangor. I haven't been there yet but from what I know, this farm is opened for public to come and visit the rabbits being exhibits there on weekends. This farm is not open just for people to see, but you also can purchase the rabbits here and bring home as a pet. One interesting fact about this farm is, the rabbits here are caged according to its age and if you're lucky, you can see the baby rabbits or kits, right after they were born.
This place is an ideal place for you rabbit lovers to come and play as they also offer hands-on, guided tours to you. The guide will tell you more about the rabbits as well as presenting a live demonstration of their matting process. Here they have this open area where rabbits are free and out of their cages and this is where people come to see them running freely on the ground. You can feed them, pat them and even cuddle them. And after a long day playing with them, you can stop by at a restaurant here and taste for yourself the rabbit meat. I don't know whether they still have it now but people say you can order Satay Rabbit and other kinds of dishes made from rabbit meats.
But hey, if I were they, I'm not gonna eat rabbit. I mean it's like cats. You play with them and suddenly you want to taste their meat like there's no other meat in this world. It's not wrong to give it a try but how could you eat rabbit and then have them as a pet at home? Maybe after that you go to them and say, 'I already taste your meat. It's delicious'. Urghh, I'll pass this one. Anyway, just come here on weekends if you wanna have a great experience with rabbits. I'm Judiene Marno, wishing you all a happy Chinese New Year, 'Xinnian Kuaile'.
Until then, ciao.

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