"happy birthday to you"
''happy birthday to you"
"happy birthday to Judiene"
"happy birthday to you"
''happy birthday to you"
"happy birthday to Judiene"
"happy birthday to you"
i'm 21 now. 21. it means that i'd lived in this world for 21 years already. and, it also means that 21 years ago, there was a woman, fighting with her own death to give birth to someone name wan muhammad izzuddin, which is me, on the same date as today. thank you so much umi, for all you've done for me. and abah. love both of you.
ok, now lets talk about me. ok, let see. actually, i didn't look like someone who is 21 years old. still thinking as a teenagers. but there's grown-up Judiene somewhere in the middle. hehehe. i can be a little childish, opss, not a little, but very childish. i still got my bantal bucuk with me, and i take it everywhere i go. from home, to college and here, in Seremban. i named it as my best friend.
i don't know how a 21 years-old man suppose to act, or behave. i mean, do i need to be serious? or, do i need to be humor but at the same time serious? naah, i think i should be just Judiene. stupid, a lil crazy, quite emotional and love to eat. oh, speaking bout eat, i'm on my plan to cut down what i eat. i mean, usually i eat a plate of rice, now, i ask for half of the plate, while wishing that that amount can fill my hunger. hehe.
owh ya, for those who spend their time, typing happy birthday messages via facebook and phone, fellow bloggers, friends, old friends, family, thank you so much. really appreciate that. hope you guys still can do the same next year. haha.
ok guys, before i end this entry, lets sing a happy Birthday song to me, shall we??
23 puji aku smart:
judiene da tueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
happy birthday dear
may all your wish come true. amin. :)
my tone is wayyyy out of the key.
but i like to just wish u a sweetsweetsweet 21st year.
happy birthday deden ;)
ok now let me sing!
'selamat ulang tahun
selamat ulang tahun
selamat ulang tahun judiene
selamat ulang tahun'
hahahha classic bukan? :)
anyway dear, enjoy ur life as it goes. a little step to somewhere towards the future, it is all destined by Him.
(eh dia muda lg umo baru 21 huhuhu. saya kakak arieza kerana saya sudah berumo 25 thn.. uhuk uhuk. terasa tua di kalangan kamu2 ni.. hehehe)
happy belated birthday bro..
haish!! macam mana leh tak perasan lak nih.. eaggaga...
well.. u r now 21.. muda lg beb.. byk lg yg bley dikejar dlm idop ni.. so, kejarlah sebaiknya..
Happy birthday!!!
Hoho... welcome to 21 y.o. club
p/s: I bring along my bantal busuk everywhere I go too. haha
happy bufday!!a year older, a year wiser, a year sexier..
Happy Birthday Bro..
ko tua dari aku..
happy 21st birthday!.. move forward, think positive, stay cute!.. (^^,)
hahha.. dude.. a very special birthday wish la untuk ko... aku doakan segala yang terbaik.. dont be notty haaa.. 21 kan... its a key to enter to a new world... // leh ar kuar malam2.. leh karoke ngan aku dah pasni ... kan3..
Happy 21st birthday...(^_^)
Fitriah ~ aminn, thanx! <3
Yaziith ~ what do you mean out of key?? btw, thanx ya!
Arieza ~ owh, i thot we in a same age. so, you're my sistah. hehe. i'm sure your voice sounds lovely singing the birthday song. hehe. =)
Adam Arjuna ~ haha, i will. thanx! =)
Sya Mansor ~ now i know we have something in common. hahaha.
iyllienaz ~ i think i like the sexier thing more than the birthday wish itself! hahaha ;P
Z@ck ~ aku tua dari ko ke?? ko lahir thn bile?? haha, nak menang gak neh ;P
Najmie ~ i don't want cute, i want buff and strong! hahahaahaa! XD
Fairuz Selamat ~ hahaha, nak karaoke ngn ko?? segan la aku, confirm ko power dari aku. haha. pape pn, thanx for da wish! really appreciate it! =)
Nabilah ~ thanx! =)
hepi belated befdayy =)
Cik Akma ~ thank you. =)
happy belated birthday dude! sorry lambat wish. ;)
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