Thursday, November 26, 2009

:: Red Guitar ::

Salam to all my readers

yesterday i just finish downloading Kris Allen brand new album, titled Kris Allen. there's a gossip saying that the way Kris Allen dressed in his cover album is just like Adam Lambert, you know with the leather jacket, the accessories he wore minus the eye-liner. but to me, it's never been an issue about the cover album. come on, fashion is universal and i don't think he looks like Adam at all. both of them have their own style and besides, Kris looks fresh and have a bit rock image in his cover. he's still young, although he's a married guy, but it suits his age.

i don't know much about music from what i've listened, the songs are really shows who is Kris Allen. it's just like back when he was in American Idol and if you guys love Kris when he was in Idol, then you are gonna love this. sometimes i do feel like listening to a country song coz it's like Kris is good at both genres. i don't know whether the songs are memorable or not but they do caught my attention the first time i listen to his songs. to all Kris Allen's fans, i think this album is worth to listen to. here are the tracks :

  1. Live Like We're Dying
  2. Before We Come Undone
  3. Can't Stay Away
  4. The Truth
  5. Written All Over My Face
  6. Bring It Back
  7. Red Guitar
  8. Is It Over
  9. Let It Rains
  10. Allright With Me
  11. Lifetime
  12. I Need To Know
  13. Heartless

so if you're the fan of this good-looking guy, go and get this album (whether you go to store and buy it or just download it from the net).


p/s ~ Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to all my readers! Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Korban!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

:: i know how it feels to be a wizard! ::

Salam to all my readers

ok, straight to the main point ek. malas nak update pasal keadaan banjir kt sini. ok, here we go. pernah tak korg mimpi satu mimpi yg bersambung2? i mean, you had this dream long time ago, and then yesterday you dreamt the sequel of the dream. pretty funny isn't it. pagi tadi, lps subuh aku mimpikn satu bnda ni. dulu pn aku pnh mimpi psl bnda ni gak. kali ni sambungan dia. org kte tak elok cite psl mimpikan, tp takpe, aku ttp nk cite gak, walaupun ingt2 lupa je neh. haha.

yg buat aku hepi, ialah dlm mimpi tu aku adalah seorang wizard. cm Harry Potter la, tp wizard kelas bawahan coz dlm mimpi tu aku struggle sket nk gune power aku. tak gune wand pn, gune tgn aje. ade 5 watak dlm mimpi aku tuh, including me. wizard2 lain sume pro, just aku dgn membe aku je yg struggle sket. kire kdg2 bleh kuar power, kdg2 tak bley. that explain why our task is to destroy a low-class aliens (haha, ktowg lawan alien). my power is to produce green light from both of my hands and the aliens will burst to death if they're expose to my green light. haha. kowg bygkan jela cne aku angkat tgn aku, halakan ke arah alien tu.

~ imagine i'm wearing a black robe and doing just like that to produce the green light ~

it maybe looks easy to destroy the aliens but here's the trick. i must avoid direct contact with the alien, kalo tak, immune aku decrease. lbh krg cm2 r. yg jd drama sket dlm mimpi aku tu ialah masa semangat aku jatuh gara2 aku tak bleh produce green light tu. berlatih gigih ni, nk lawan alien. cuaca plak kejap ribut, kejap hujan (maybe time aku mimpi tu hujan, tu yg effect mimpi aku tuh), buat aku lg ssh nk fokus. gler r, bru taw ssh gak nk jd wizard neh. nk lwn alien pn ssh, bayangkan ktowg berlima, lwn beratus2 alien. aku plak struggle nk lwn, mmg thriller r mimpi aku neh. seyes.

~ cni la lbh krg aku lawan, bygkn la yg hijau tu aku ~

ktowg pnye battle terbahagi kpd 2 round. 1st round, ok lg, coz alien xramai. kire aku mampu gak la mengawal keadaan. sempat hancurkan 2 3 alien. haha, bgga jap. masuk yg 2nd round ni dah huru hara. ramai plak gang2 dia dtg. member2 aku yg ada wand sng sket la, aku dua org je kne gune tangan. saat genting bila ktowg dah tak dpt kawal keadaan, very chaos at that time, we couldn't handle it. and that was when one of the alien manage to touch my body, and i felt weak all of a sudden. my teammates were all worrying about me and they took my body to a safer place. then, tiba2 je aku terjaga, dgn berdebar2 jantung aku. geram gak nape la tiba2 leh t'jage. shoot!

byk lg actually aku nak cite tp ingt2 lupa la. aku hepi gler coz i'm a big fan of Harry Potter so it's always been my dream to live in a world like Harry and have power like a real wizard, you know, own a wand, which clearly i'm not gonna get it in real life. dpt mimpi pn jadi la kan. bila ingat blk, wow, what a journey! aku tak ingat mimpi yg dulu tp mmg mimpi aku ni bersambung. it's weird but i like it very very much!

p/s ~ mintak2 la mlm ni aku mimpi sambungan yg ke-3 plak..hahahaha!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

:: another day in 'paradise' ::

Salam to all my readers

it feels like i'm in winter season right now, with raining all day, the wind. make me feel sleepy all the time coz there's not much i can do, except for sitting in front of my lappy, checking my facebook, reading my friends' blog and finally sleeping. dah 2 minggu aku kat umah. basically doing nothing. mak aku suh cari keje, ade gak pgi cari. tp, sampai sekarang belum ada satu kedai pn yang call aku balik. so, i assume they are not gonna hire me.

bosan betol la. nak tgk wayang, kat Kelantan takde pawagam. satu benda yang hampeh bagi seorang kaki wayang spt aku (kaki wayang ke?? hehe). takkan kena turun Kuantan kot kalo nk tgk wayang. gile ke hape. nk donlod cter, cuaca hujan cni, slow la tenet aku. asyik dc aje. cm bangang aje. semalam dah taktaw nk watpe, layan la cter hindustan kt TV2, Hum Tum. cter ni aku dah berpuluh-puluh kali aku tgk, tp sebab jalan cter dan pelakon dia best, so aku layan jela. Saif Ali Khan dgn Rani Mukherjee tu. sape yang tak minat dowg kn (yes, i'm a big fan of bollywood movie, nape? tak percaye??).

malam tu, otw nk g makan, ade sorg pakcik tua ni lalu lalang dpn umah aku. aku tak kenal. tp bapak aku ckp owg tak bape btol tu. jiran2 pn tak suke. hari2 dtg dari umah ke umah minta keje. kalo yg baik sgt2 hati tu, upah la pakcik tu basuh kete ke, potong rumput ke. masa nk pgi makan tu, pintu pagar, grill sume kunci, haha, takut2 pakcik tu masuk umah. then pagi td, pakcik tu dtg lg umah aku. time tu aku tgh kusyuk bce paper Bintang Popular. kebetulan ayah aku bukak pintu, nampak pakcik tua tu, ape lg, hangin r bapak aku. dia tengking pakcik tu, kte xpyh dtg sini lg.

kalo bapak aku takde td, aku amek alih tmpt dia. haha. kasi marah sket itu pakcik. cam tak reti base. org tak btol, mane nk reti base. curiga btol aku tgk pakcik tu. bukan ape, org mcm tu, kadang2 jgn buat baik sgt. dah la tak kenal. taw2 nnt pecah masuk umah org plak. kalo hilang barang ok lg, takut2 nnt bunuh membunuh plak. lgpn skrg kn byk kes2 pecah masuk, bunuh dan rogol2 neh. haishhh judiene. too much thinking. haha. but it's ok la, prepare for trouble kan.

ntah bila hujan ni bk benti. plan gathering ngn member2 lama pn kena postpone. ckp psl member lama, i feel bad you know writing about my friend on my previous entry. i was angry and mad when i wrote it. i mean, i'm not supposed publicly publish the story about his wrongdoings. but it's too late already. cannot delete the entry la (although i know hoe to do so :p). moral value to all of you, never do that to your friend ok. seriously i mean it. it's not nice and people will think that you're selfish and have a bad attitude towards your friend. please change or you might end up losing friends.

~ Tokio Hotel ~

p/s ~ try dgr lagu Tokio Hotel - Hey You. it sounds good to me. hehe.

Friday, November 20, 2009

:: it's a guy thing that sounds girly ::

Salam to all my readers

hurmm, nmpaknye hujan kt Kelantan ni semakin menjadi2 sejak 2 3 hari ni. hujan start dari pagi sampai malam, non-stop. nak keluar umah pn ssh. ni la manusia kan, bila panas, nk hujan. bila hujan plak, nak panas. bersyukur la judiene umah ko xbanjir. alhamdulillah. skrg ni, aku tgh tgk air hujan yg jatuh mengalir kat tingkap umah. berjurai2 jatuh ke bumi. hujan lebat kan. dan mcm tu gak la ati aku menangis. ok, da msk part sdey2. huhuhu~~

aku ni xpnh kapel. bru nk try la. innocent lg aku ni, still virgin. hahaha. opss, mode sdey, lupe lak. ok2. aku b'kwn ngn sorg ni. pd sesape yg kenal aku in person, ske ati korg la nk wat andaian ape pn, aku xksh. umur ktowg berbeza, tp xdela jarak jauh sgt. ktowg kwn start dari high skul lg. so after aku dh graduate dr high skul, stdy kt tmpt len, da jarang2 contact. awal2 thn ni je dia baru wat YM, so, aku dpt taw YM die drp fs. frenship ktowg on blk la. bru2 ni ktowg gaduh sbb satu bnda yg die mnta aku tlg tp aku xdpt tlg.

~ broken friendship ~

ok cni cter die. dia nk pnjam duit ngn aku. time tu aku xde duit. ntah nape dia bengang gler ngn aku sbb hal ni. cm desperate sgt nk gne duit, aku tnye nk watpe die xgtaw. so, last2, die ckp "ko ni aku nk mntak tlg pn ssh! ok r, dah r ko". aku tercengang dpt msj cm2 dari die. lbh krg sebulan lbh gak la ktowg xbertnya khabar sblm ktowg baik blk. tp dlm mse sebulan lbh tu la aku dpt tgk perangai sbnr die. lgsg xmsj aku pn. aku ni la yg terhegeh2 mntk maaf la, tnye itu ini. dah beratus2 kali aku mntak maaf kt die, satu pn xbls. jenuh aku tggu msj die xbalas2. last2 ati aku cm da give up nk baik blk ngn die. then one day..

"din, xpela, aku da xmarah ko da"

"yeke, aku tggu msj ko xbalas2 pn..bla bla bla"

"xpe, don worry psl aku..bla bla bla"

aku hepi gler mse die msj aku, walaupun aku terfikir gak, sngnye die on, off, on blk. xde reason pape pn knape lame die nk bls msj aku. malas la aku nk tnye sbb tkot gaduh lg. selang beberape hari, ktowg gaduh lg. kali pn sme gak, aku la yg kne mntak maaf dlu. ok, fine, ko kwn aku, xpe. pastu skrg ni, tetibe lak die snyap ngn aku. aduyai, ape kes lg la neh. aku da rse cm, kte baik2 ngn die, sng2 aje die pijak kepale aku. maybe aku da bkn kwn yg mcm die knl kt sekolah dlu. bnda2 cni wat aku skt ati. ok, aku admit, aku agak sng la wat ape yg dia suruh sbb ntah la, bnda2 yg die nk sng je aku wat.

kdg2 aku rse cam aku yg terlalu baik ngn someone ni, smpai die bleh pijak kepala aku then da peduli pasaan aku. time ko nk jd kwn aku, ko msj tnye khabar la ape la, time ko xnk, satu msj pn xbls. snyap je. kalo bz, ckp la bz ke, ape ke, nk stdy ke. ni snyap je. bikin gua panas r. aku xtaw cne dia layan org lain tp aku mmg skt ati skrg. msj pn xbls. YM pn xbls walaupun dia on, tgk2 sign out cm2 je. aku nk tgk smpai mne die bleh wat cni! arghhhh!

p/s ~ sorry kalo entri aku kali agak 'gurly' and pelik sket tp this is what i feel now. it's a guy thing, that sounds weird!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

:: aku nak makan pun segan.. ::

Salam to all my readers

hurmmm, it's been raining for 2 days here, non-stop. kalo stop pn still hujan renyai2. dan selama 2 hari tu jugak la aku mandi sekali sehari. it looks like banjir buat kali ke 2 akan menyusul la kat Kelantan ni. sonok la budak2 kat sini, bleh main air banjir. tapi korg jgn xtaw, mak bapak budak pn ade gak join sekaki mandi air banjir ni. mula2 "polan, jgn main banjir tuh, bahaya", lama2, "ishh, budak ni, xdengar cakap btol la. nak kene aku turun jugak". ayat cover mak bapak, kononnye nak tegah anak padahal niat di ati jeles tgk anak main banjir. hahaha. xbleh blah.

ok2, ni baru msk main point entry ni. smlm, dlm hujan yg ala2 gerimis tuh, me and ma dad went to this restaurant, selling food like burger, pizza and all McD-Pizza-KFC-kinda food. what i wanna share with you guys is the name of the shop. it's sooooo hilarious and kinda stupid if i think twice. so not creative and soooo, ermm, never mind. take a look at da pics i took yesterday while waiting for the food. takut die pnye bos marah, aku snap pic ni snyap2. cm totally spies la plak.

~ sorry kualiti pic low :P ~

if you guys can't see clearly, look at the second pic below.

~ haa, da nampak?? ~

seriously it made me and my dad laugh and we can't keep ourselves from making jokes out of the name. sooo not creative isn't it. i mean, it's like you copy the well-known McDonald name and redesign it a lil bit then tadaaaa - MacDe! Pizza die pn jadi Pizza Hir. and you know what, the worst part was when my mum actually asked me to do part-time job there. then i told her, "umi, along nak keje kat situ pun segan". hahaha. honestly guys, it's because of the name that made me embarasse to work there, yela, walaupun rezeki tu halal kan, but, come on la.

but i like the interior design of the shop. it's not like Wow!, its just the design make the shop look expensive, at least 'expensive' than the name. hahaha. i like the idea of painting the ceiling black coz by looking at the ceiling only make you feel like you're in a expensive boutique or high-standard shop. hahaha. but beside all that, the pizza here can be categorized as B la, means boleh laaa. sedap la jugak kan. kene la ngn nama pizza die tuh. tapi burger die, hmmm, sedap lagi burger yg aku beli kt stall tepi jalan kt Jalan Rasah, Seremban tuh.

~ aiyakk, xnampak lak siling die ~

~ pic menu die pnye la gempak tp xsesedap yg disangka ~

tgh2 aku dok bz snap pic dlm kedai tu, aku pasan ade sorg minah ni dok usha aku je. aku nmpk ngn hujung mata aku. kowg taw ape aku pikir?? salah, salah, mst kowg ingt aku nk kte yg minah tu tgk aku sbb aku hensem kn. hahaha. bkn, bkn. aku nk ckp, yg minah ni pelik la tgk aku amek gambar cm2. haishhh. aku pn buat2 la taip mesej, mne taw, kot2 minah yg usha aku tuh anak tawke kedai tu ke, sekali dia repot, mampus aku.

ok la, enough with the crappy things. but one thing for sure, i hate the name. i really mean it! why they don't just create a totally different brand. if Pizza Hut or McD staffs look at the restaurant, i'm sure they will laugh out loud, with tears oozing from their eyes and they will make fun out of it. i'm sorry if anyone offend with this entry but i'm just expressing what i feel towards this thing. if you guys hate it, or feel like i'm being too cruel writing like this, haha, sorry but i don't give a damn about that. until then. daaa~~

p/s ~ kpd sape2 yg berkaitan dgn kedai tu, buat la penjenamaan semula. lawak r name kedai cm2. hahaha. k, peace!

Monday, November 16, 2009

:: let's rock on! ::

Salam to all my readers

it's been ages since i post up something like emo entry or i throw tantrum into this blog of mine. it feels great when you write about things you unsatisfy with, or something that make you upset but it seems that nothing emo happen to me recently so i might postpone my intention about that. i'm running out of idea actually so to make my blog updated, i would like to share with you guys some of the latest song that i know.

i'm trying to download the latest album of Boys Like Girls, called Love Drunk, using my software. it's pretty easy you know coz whatever song that you feels like to hear, you can always download it from the net. ahahaha. i know, it's illegal but let me tell you something, if people around you having a great time download their favorite songs, without having to use their money to buy the album at the store, do you really wanna go and buy the album of your favorite artiste? i mean seriously? some of you might go and do so but majority of us rather download it from buying it right. so, don't blame me. hahaha.

some of the songs that i feel good to listen to are :
  • BLG - Two Is Better Than One (featuring Taylor Swift)
  • BLG - Real Thing
  • BLG - She's Got A Boyfriend Now
  • BLG - I Told You So
i still haven't heard all of their songs yet but these three songs are, i think, got a very edgy-type of rock and i like how they made their guitars sounds. awesome. hahaha. macam pengkritik album plak aku ni but hey, if you guys have any latest song to share, do list it in the comment box. thanks for sharing.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

:: i don't want time to fly faster ::

Salam to all my readers

as i'm typing this entry, i don have any idea what to write, what to share with u guys. hurmm, i'm kinda running out of idea nowadays. people say if u don have anything to write, better don't write. keep things low for a period of time then if u have stories, make it boom. people will miss ur blog and ur crappy entries. u know what i'm saying guys. but i think that doesn't work for my blog. so i have to keep it updated, hehe.

time flies without we even noticed what we've done in between. unlike kerol, i don't want time to pass me faster. haha. i want it to be slow and steady, enjoy every single minute doing things that i love. haha (cm poyo je ayat aku). sedar xsedar, i've completed first part of my practical session. i learnt lot of things through the journey. bad, good, everything. i've met very cool people there, make some new friends, which was a very good experience in order to enhance my communicating skills. maybe people out there don't understand this, but i'm really glad that everything went well.

next sem, next year or whatever next, i'm hoping that there's a space for me to do good and beneficial thing. sounds weird rite, hahaha, i know. so no need for u guys to think about this. start next part of my practical, ade kwn yg da xkn kembali ke hospital. those yg da tamat ssesi practical mereka, bubbye. kalo yg dkt2 area Seremban xpela leh jmpe la. no hal la kalo setakat nk lepak2 ke, layan karok smpai 2 3 pagi ke. hahaha. xabes2 karok. tp pd yg tggl jauh tu, ssh la sket nk jmpe ek. xpe, kalo umur pnjang, jmpe gak nnt.

~ Last karok ngn dak2 trainee, thanx to Sya baucer free hehe ~

skrg aku da kt umah, xde wat pape pn. aku kembali menjadi babysitter to my baby cousin, named Damia. she's adorable. hehe. ingt nk cari keje part time tp cm ssh je nk dpt kt area umah aku ni. yela, bndar Tanah Merah ni kecik aje. pizza hut pn xde taw. tu yg plg frust. kalo pawagam or bowling centre tu xpyh ckp la. xdpt la aku nk tgk 2012 kt wayang. seb bek smpat tgk Jennifer's Body before blk aritu. hahaha. superb r cite tuh. aku ske! megan fox mmg membuat air liur meleleh. menggiurkan. haha. that's da fact ok, not like i'm gila seks ke ape ke. hehe.

~ me and baby mia ~

k la, enough of my entry yg karut lg mengarut ni. but before i go, aku nk suggest kt korg la kan. skrg byk lagu2 baru, try la layan lagu neh :
  • Jesse McCartney - Body Language
  • Justin Bieber - One Less Lonely Girl
  • Britney Spears - 3
  • Jason Castro - Let's Fall In Love Again
  • Backstreet Boys - Straight Through My Heart
  • Lady GaGa - Bad Romance
  • Allison Iraheta - Friday I'll Be Over You
byk lg sbnrnye tp tkt pnjg lak entry aku ni. hahaha. kalo korg ade lagu2 best, gtaw la aku. k. c ya!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

:: SAYA SEDANG - taip sambil cek my facebook ::

- taip sambil cek my facebook

- taip sambil dgr dak2 nk tgk America's Next Top Model

- taip sambil risau pasal exam ptg esk

- taip sambil pikir nk makan ape mlm neh..hmmmm??

- taip sambil azan berkumandang (xreti2 ag nk solat??) ;p


-taip sambil pikir mcm mne nak kuruskan badan..

-taip sambil pikir byknye soalan psl 'saya sedang' neh.. ;p

-taip sambil fikir sapa saya nak tag ek??? ermmm, malas r tag sesape..

aku di'tag' oleh miesz naddy..hahaha..thanx for tagging me..

Monday, November 2, 2009

:: i'm penniless. bkn xde penis laa!! ::

Salam to all my readers

money, money, money and money. duit, duit dan duit. those word are differently spelled but has da same meaning. every single people in this world need money. why?? bcoz money is everything.......nowadays. tipu la kalo ade yg ckp money is not everything. statement tu bg aku, is limited. meaning, hanya certain2 time je leh gne statement tu. but, most of the time, money is really what we need. u guys know why suddenly i talk about money? ha? anybody? ade sesape taw ke?? well, meh kte tgk sket demi sket.

ok, 1st. i'm in my practical session, so, my college doesn't give me allowance like they used to when we were at college. 2nd, it's nearly end of the year, and i already use all my ptptn loan. 3rd, i'm afraid and shy to call my dad and ask from him. then he'll say, "nk mntk duit bru nok tepon abah deh," huhuhu. ok la, i admit, i seldomly call my parents. but it's not like i'm the 'anak derhaka' ok. not at all. so have u got d answer why i write about this? haha, that's bcoz i'm officially broke now! ;pp yes, read my lips, I'M BROKE! bkn beruk la, aku xde duit. i'm penniless. bkn xde penis la. haisyhhhhh.

~ poket kosong, habuk je ade ~

bayangkn la cne my dad gave me RM200, and i spent it all just in 2 weeks and plus plus?? no no no, aku xde boros ape2 pn, seriously guys. just makan, duit minyak kete, makan, more makan and more makan. see?? mne ade boros pn. kt sini, i spend rm10 ++ for my brunch and my dinner. dah la uitm xbg elaun utk student practical. aiyaaa. jelez tgk dak2 IMR and kolej2 len yg dpt elaun and xpyh byr blk (kalo ptptn loan cm aku kne behutang la smpai koje nnt). kalo nk iikutkn sejarah pembelian aku, this sem xdelah seboros sem2 lps. hahahaha. why again? sebabnye, sem2 lps aku tggl kt kolej, dpt elaun makan, tebal la sket poket. tu yg baju 2 3 helai beli. tgk movie la, jln2 cari makan la. tp alhamdulillah sem ni xseteruk sem2 lps but still, aku over da bajet.

ok, i admit la, aku pn byk g karok ngn member2 aku yg gile karok neh. haaaa, mmg, sem ni aku byk gler g karok. smpaikn aku yg mule2 segan nk nyanyi tetibe conquer tmpt karok tu kn. ahahahahaha. tu just hiperbola k. reti sket. tp x, karok tu pn bkn penyebab aku jd broke cni. ntah2 ade toyol mne dtg umah aku mlm, kebas sume duit aku. no no no, xmgkn. tp mgkn jugak toyol tu sbnrnye adalah jelmaan manusia, iaitu aku, sbb aku yg gne duit aku smpai abes. da da, mengarut plak!! owh ya, xingt plak, sem ni ade HARI RAYA, so shopping2 la sket. kowg taw, aku beli 2 helai jeans skali shopping. teeeeeeeeet. dah, dah jmpe da kt mne aku boros. heeeeeeeeeeee~~

aku penah gak google on how to manage your money tp hampeh. aku still fail. i'm a loser la when it comes to handling money neh. mgkn jugak sbb aku spend on food byk sgt, smpai aku jd gemuk. yeahh, u read my lips. i'm gaining a lot of weight la lately. cissss, cm poyo je, knon2 dlu aku kurus la. ahahahahaha. xcaye tgk pic sblh. i'm berisi already. haiyaaa. ok, msk topik baru plak. if u notice, my cheek, see, it's getting bigger and bigger. sory kualiti gmba kurang memuaskan. tp kalo kowg tgk aku overall, from top to toe, xdela nmpk gemuk sgt. mgkn ilusi optik kowg je tuh. ahahahaha. xbley blah.

wateva it is guys, moral value from this post are, handle your money wisely, buy what you really need, don't be 'boros2' k. aku pnh mengalaminye, so aku taw la cne pasaan jd boros ni. hahaha. then, satu lagi moral value. mkn berpada2. exercise lebih. kalo dpt jogging 3x seminggu tu kire ok dah tu. amalkan healthy and balance diet. haaa, amek ko, kalah Kevin Zahri aku bagi tips kesihatan. ahahahaa. renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal. :))

p/s ~ btw, Happy Halloween guys..


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