Thursday, October 29, 2009

:: aku nk kawen org NEGRO la ::

Salam to all my readers

i'm gonna talk about love again, hope u guys don't mind. haha. entry ni kesinambungan utk entry aku before this, lets-'coupling' edition. lantak la korg nk label aku jiwang karat ke ape ke (i wonder cne org bleh ckp jiwang itu karat??), coz love is something we really need, love is what we really want..cehhh, petikan lirik lagu Adam Lambert bertajuk Want.. donlod r, best lagu tuh..vokal terbaik drp Adam since he won 2nd place on American Idol.. ok, da melalut dah..

~ adam lambert ~

again, aku nk tnye pndapat dr kowg, my readers, but this time, it's about interracial marriage. means kawen campur la bg mereka yg KO english.. ahahahahaha.. jahatnye aku.. english aku pn bterabur.. kawen cmpur la, cm india kawen malay ke, cina + india ke, negro ngn malay ke.. haaaa.. setahu aku la kn, kawen cmpur ni benefit die dpt kt anak, coz nabi ckp kalo kawen campur nnt otak anak akan jd lbh bijak..aku xpasti sejauh mne kebenarannye tp tu la yg aku taw.. kalo kowg ade pape info lg leh la komen ek. dlu pn aku pnh bercita2 nk cri chinese gal la. ahahahaaha. agak2 kowg, sesuai x aku ngn chinese. try la bayangkn. kalo xleh gak, nnt aku kirim pic aku, kowg bayangkn la, tp jgn smpai termuntah plak. :)) nnt mst anak2 aku mata sepet doe. ahahahaha. berangan ko judiene. hisyyhhhhh!

dlu aku pnh dgr, org ckp if org bkn islam, kawen ngn org islam, dowg mst peluk islam BUT mst atas kerelaan sndiri, bkn sbb dowg nk kawen ngn org islam. aku rse cm2 la kot aku dgr. tp ari2 plak, aku terbace dlm buku Al-Islam, yg mengatakn, bahawasenye, pemelukan islam oleh org bkn islam atas dasar kawen adalah dibenarkan, which made me yahOO! coz nnt bleh la aku teruskn misi aku cri chinese gal. ;pp ala, cmon la guys, kowg pn mst ade cita2 nk kawen ngn minah saleh la, japanese gal ke, kn?? kn?? huhu. whateva la kn.

~ it would be nice if i can marry someone like in this pic ;p ~

actually kn, aku tgk org negro pn lawa r skrg. xcaye tgk r kt tv ke, penyanyi2 kt US skrg, negro pn da jd lawa. xmustahil one day nnt aku kawen ngn negro. dan anak aku nnt cmfem memiliki kulit kaler nescafe susu. ahahahaha. tp yg pst ttp cute miut. tgk r heidi klum ngn seal tu. lawa je anak dowg. ahahahaha. ape aku merepek neh!! satu lg, nafsu negro pn mantap doe. dowg pnye power, perghhhh, huhuhu.. phm2 ajela. ahahahaha.

but seriously guys, interracial marriage really caught my attention. bkn ape, it's good to marry someone with different race and language. at least we can learn and share our culture with each other. but of coz, it doesn't come easy. kdg2 ade yg bersikap narrow-minded dlm hal2 cni. ade yg parents xizinkan anak2 dowg tukar agama la and watsoeva. ade yg smpai xbertegur lgsg dgn family. hmmm. tp kalo da jodoh nk wat cne kn. terima jela, ngn negro ke, cine ke, india ke, kte kan 1Malaysia. ahahahahaha. whateva it is guys, do share ur thots with me regarding this matter ok. i know kowg mst ade byk lg info kn. sharing is loving. :DD

Sunday, October 25, 2009

:: lets-'coupling' edition ::

Salam to all my readers

sejak akhir2 ni, mood aku no blogging cm da pudar, i'm running out of idea about what to post. no interesting event happen recently. so that's why i end up talking about my practical lab in my previous entry, which i know pretty boring kn. huh. aku yg menulis pn boring nk abeskn entry tuh. ni kn plak kowg yg membace.

ok la, aku taw entry aku agak 'ntah hape-hape' kn lately, but here is the serious thing. this is not a jiwang karat entry ok, but still the thing that i wanna ask u guys is pretty lame and girlish. huhuhu. i'm not gonna be Dr.Love or Love Guru, all i want is an opinion from my readers. dunno la why this few weeks back i've been thinking about love, love, love. more love. then love again. huh. pretty lame, kn.

well, just like da latest single of Mariah Carey quoted,

i wanna know what love is

i want you to show me

i wanna feel what love is

i know you can show me..

like the lyric above, i want you to show me. well, up till now, i couldn't find my 'you'. who want to show me love?? come on, u guys can sign up here. ahahahahaha. just for ladies ok. but men will be taken into consideration. ahahahahaa. lOlz. just joking ok. no need to take it seriously. one of my friend once said to me, "xde gf susah, ade gf lagi susah". hmmmm, ssh nk komen kn. this is very subjective matter. there's no right or wrong anwser coz it's all depends on the individual. every person have different opinion and point of view regarding this matter.

~ kissing with passion is one way to say 'i love you' ~

from what i see thru people around me, there are 2 kind of people when it comes to love. the 1st one is, org yg blom temui cinta dan ligat utk mencarinya. biasanya golongan neh byk r siri2 ngorat-mengorat dan rmai cewek2 yg ade dlm portfolio mereka. dowg ni cm asyik nk try pompuan je, kalo xde pompuan cm xepy idop dowg. lps sorg, sorg die try. yg 2nd plak, mereka yg blom temui cinta tetapi xfokus sgt dlm bab ni. maybe their priority is more to study or career. biasanye, golongan ni pcaye yg jodoh tu telah ditetapkn dan akan dtg suatu hari nnt wlau tidak dicari. hmmmm, btol kah??

actually, to be honest, aku tergolong dlm golongn no. 2 tp my priority are not my stdy and my career, coz aku pn xkeje lg. ahahahaha. it's just aku malas btol nk pikir soal ni. tp ble tgk kwn2 yg tgh mencari and yg dah be'couple', rse cm best je dowg couple. huhuhuhu. ok, i do feel i got carried away with this and it's sound boring kn. ahahahaha. aku pn xtaw ape yg aku merapu2 dlm blog neh.

aku sbnrnye nk dgr pndapat korg je, which one you guys prefer la.. any comment is ok.. so, do leave ur comment k.. and remember, to those who have lot of experience regarding this matter are most welcome.. hehehe.. k, until then, toodles!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

:: don-read-coz-it-gonna-waste-ur-time edition ::

Salam to all my readers

yeah, referring to da title above, this entry is not as important as da previous one (bajet entry aku penting lak) but it is for those who wanna know bout me and who like to follow my blog (lagi ayat xbley blah kn?? kn??). i'm running out of idea now and dunno what to post la. so, to keep my blog updated, i'm gonna share with u guys about my mggu2 yg terakhir before i finish practical for this sem this 23rd of october.

cytology lab is where i spend my 3 weeks time before the end of my practical. da 2 lab da aku rotate, biochem da 1st one and da 2nd one is microbiology. so, cyto is the 3rd la. for those yg xtaw what the hell cyto is, just google it coz if aku nk explain kt sini, mmg satu entry xckp. tp aku cte gak sket r kalo xnnt kowg cop aku kedekut ilmu lak (hehehe). cytology means the study of cell. ahahahahaaha, tu bahase encilopedia. bahasa kmpung lak, cyto ni cm kaji cell la. cth smple yg ktowg amek cm pap smear (to all women, this is a very2 important test for all of u), smple body fluid cm sputum (kahak) and other fluid dlm badan la.

~ cni la blk tmpt FNAC tuh, juz ktowg pnye xdela se'moden' neh :p ~

ok, mst kowg bosan kn bce 2 perenggan pertama aku neh. da ckp da, tp kowg bce gak. ahahahahahaaha. thanx ek coz sggp menanah mata bce neh. keje kt lab ni just ok je, xbusy sgt la. smple pn dtg dlm kuantiti yg sederhana, and processing da sample pn quite easy la and didn't take lot of time la. ade gak ktowg pgi Fine Needle Aspiration (FNAC). kt sini la ktowg tgk live cne doktor take out sample from patient, cm yg nk cek pre-cancerous kt bhg buah dada and thyroid kt leher. ktowg la yg kne prepare alat2 perang for da doctor. huhuhuhu. best x keje ktowg?? :p

kt FNAC ni bley la kalo kowg nk tgk sakit ke x sakit mse nk amek sample from da patient tuh. ade mcm2 ragam manusia la kan, da yg dpt thn, da yg xthn sgt and mengerang sakit la. nak2 lg yg da berumur kn, mmg kesian tgk dowg. urghhh, arghhhh, ahhhhh, sume ktowg dgr. ingt nk rakam video tuk kowg tgk tp mne leh, whateva happen in da surgical room is private and confidential. ahahahahahaaha.

ok la, i shall stop writing now. i'll be uploading more pics soon so watch this blog! hehehehe.. till then, toodles!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

:: dalam ramai-ramai, aku kecik je.. ::

Salam to all my readers

i'm seeking an advice actually. entry kali neh lebey kurang cm my inner prob la, prob yg xterluah disebabkan rasa rendah diri yg xsepatutnye. kalo aku cite kat sesape, pasti ayat ni antara yang femes org ckp kt aku, "ala, ko Judiene, wat rilek dah la". this thing happen maybe bcoz i'm not a hippie-hippie person, a bit pasif and not a creative person, dari segi percakapan. hahahahaa. dunno whether u guys can understand it or not, but if any of u got something to share with me, it'll be my pleasure to read your comment.

1st prob ~
the prob that i've been having since i was in secondary school is, aku akan jadi senyap or just be a listener ble aku berada dlm sesuatu kelompok. cthnye la, if dlm ramai2 tgh borak2 kn, i'll be the one who are there, physically but mentally, i'm at other place. it's like i can't communicate with so many people at the same time. hahahaa, funny isn't it??

i don't like, u know, just two people chatting, coz it'll be boring and lack of idea to continue the conversation. kalo dlm group, borak2, bru la best coz nnt ade je yg sambung idea yg nk dibualkan. tp ble dlm grup, aku jd snyap plak. maybe aku jns yg xbyk pengetahuan am, so, that explain why i just noded my head without even relpying them. kdg2 plak if aku ckp something, dowg just, "owh, ok" or sometimes just smilling, tnda dowg dgr pe aku ckp. but then if org len ckp, wahhh, byk plak dowg sambung. siap tergelak2 lg. nmpk sgt ape yg aku ckpkn xpenting or cm WTF je. xtaw la kowg phm ke x ape aku bebel neh.

2nd prob ~
kowg kalo baru2 kenal aku, let say bru beberapa bulan kenal aku, for sure kowg akan ckp aku ni bosan. really bosan. why?? why?? knape aku sggp kte diri aku seorang yg bosan? sbbnye, aku xde byk idea nk ckp. phm x?? cm xphm je.. cni, cthnye la kn, arini kowg jmpe aku, then kte borak2. pastu esk lusa, aku pasti akan ckp lg bnda yg sama. uhuhuuhuhu. kdg2 aku sndiri pasan, then aku jd malu ngn diri aku sndiri. patutla if duduk dlm satu grup, borak, org bralih perhatian kt org len. bcoz ape aku ckp kdg2 membosankn and people maybe think. "die ni asyik ckp bnda ni je".

~ tgk, pic aku pn bosan kn ~

aku perhati gak jenis org2 yg suke borak ni. kdg2 dowg cm xbape kenal taw, tp ble si A ni start borak ngn si B ni, wahhh, cm da kenal sjak kcik. bkn men lg. cm ape yg si A ni ckp, cm kne je ngn si B ni. this kind of personality la yg lack dlm diri aku neh. setakat ni alhamdulillah, xde lg yg ckp kt aku ni bosan, tp dlm ati, sape la yg taw. kdg2 melalui conversation pn aku dpt agak samada idea aku utk conversation ni best ke x. cthnye, if aku ngn kwn2 aku tgh dok borak2, then pas aku abes ckp, sume cm juz snyum2 je, snyap terus. nmpk sgt org xbape berminat ngn idea aku. kalo YM plak lg la, lama gler nk balas msj aku sbb pk ape ptut jawab. see?? see?? it shows that i'm a bosan guy. jeezz!

but, above of all, i still thankful to Allah sbb bg aku kwn2 yg aku ada skrg. without them, maybe idop aku akan lg bosan kot. ehehehehe. tbe2 feeling plak kn. lantak la. aku kn emo. huhuhuhu.

~ sorry if i look a bit fat in this pic :p ~

~ open house umah k.yan ~

~ after jungle trekking ~

p/s ~ try dgr single baru Mariah Carey - I Wanna Know What Love Is, feeling gler dgr lagu tuh.. re-make sbnrnye.. :-)

Monday, October 5, 2009

:: time that will make us smile =) ::

Salam to all my reader

i just got back from Port Dickson, a 1day 2nite trip with my fellow trainees friends. and yesterday, after checking out from the apartment where we staying, we headed to umah staff2 and member, nk beraye laaa. ehehehehehehe. all of us convoyed together. such a great time. actually, aku xsempat lg r nk cite secara detail kt korg sume coz pic2 blom di transfer drp kamera and fon, so, xbest r entry psl holiday tp xde pics kn. kn. so, will be updating it soon.

generally, that's all i'm wanna say here, at this moment. need to go to work la. so, wait for my PD entry eh. untill then. toodles~~

Thursday, October 1, 2009

:: sengal + house hunting ::

Salam to all my readers

as i typing this entry, i'm already half-dead da kt sini. why?? bco i'm freakin' boring now, dunno what to do la. sometimes i feel like online is boring. da xtaw ape nk di'online'. sengal kn?? tak r, tak sengap pown. aku ni hari2 online. bak kate member aku sorg, bukak je facebook, ade je muka aku. ahahahahaha. cm2 la idop aku seharian, kt blk kecil di Jln Rasah, N9 neh. TV xde, hanya laptop peneman di kala kesunyian. ok, aku da start mengarut dah!!

actually aku agak kecapekan arini. why?? sebab arini dr aku la yg run sume sample kt lab Tibi utk bhg culture. besenyer lab staff yg wat tp oleh kerana Kak Liza pcaye ngn bakat semulajadi aku as an MLT (seyes ni, xtipu :p), dia pn serahkan segala tugas tu kpd aku. excited gler r aku tatkala menerima tugasan tu kn. yela, besenye mne dia nk kasi trainee buat. so, i'm like the chosen one la. ahahahahaha. ok, stop melalut. tuk pengetahuan korg sume, sample yg dtg ke lab Tibi ni akan dibhagi kpd 2 type of test - culture and smear. aku bhg culture je. kebiasaannyer, smple utk culture la yg byk dihantar. so, niat aku nk dok rilex2 dlm lab smbil dgr mp3 and bce majalah Galaxie terbantut.

ok, mule2 pkai glove before we proceed to the next step. remember guys, glove and mask are very important dlm lab Tibi. actually dlm mana2 lab pn pnting tp dlm Tibi ni 2x penting. why?? sebab kuman Tibi mudah merebak melalui air droplets. nahhh, amek ko, sdikit sebanyak info psl Tibi aku kasi. dah dah, xpyh nk thank u aku. wlaupun da di'briefing' psl test ni, aku ttp kelam kabut mse buat tuh. yela, 1st time kn, mne xnyer. mcm2 la kecuaian bodoh yg aku wat, smpai akak sebelah pn tergelak2. seb bek gelak dia cute, kalo x, mmg aku simbah sample fluid tu kt muka dia. oppsss, lupe lak gtaw, akak ni pn ore klate ugop. samo la ngn ambo. ahahahaha.

~ tndas ni lebey krg r ~

ok, mst korg pelik kan psl entry neh, ape kaitan ngn tajuk di atas?? ok, skrg bru ade kaitan. td tu juz intro je. actually, ktowg cri umah sewa ptg td. blk keje trus ktowg g sekitar Tmn. Rasah, nk cri umah sewa lain. blk sewa yg ktowg duduk skrg ni sempit dan environment utk aku menaip blog dan membesar xbape elok. plg pnting ~ tndas dia kne share. yup! mmg kne share. dah la org2 sini bkn sebarangan org. mat2 bangla ngn india je taw duduk sini. adela melayu sorg dua. korg bygkn la, org india and bangla 'bersatu' dlm satu tndas. perghh, bau dia, fuhhh, kalah perfume onedrop tuh. seyes aku ckp. xtipu. nk try, meh dtg sini. pld bodo skali ialah, dowg pnye hygene amat2 la low. bygkan, dowg kencing, and kdg2 berak pn xjirus ngn air elok2. kalo nasib korg baik, jmpe la seketol dua palitan kaler coklat kt tpi2 mangkuk tndas. kalo lg nasib baik, kowg bukak je mgkuk tndas, dah jmpe da - ketolan2 koko iras2 coklat bar yg digenggam! bodo sial la dowg!

so, oleh sebab2 di atas, terpaksa ktowg cri umah lain. td da jmpe da 2-5 biji umah, tp xcall lg. maybe ktowg menunggu tuan umah tu utk call ktowg nnt. ktowg ni ensem2, so xcool la kalo ktow yg kne call. ahahahahaha. WTF! ok la, otak aku pn da xbape btol da skrg, ngntok + letih. uhuhuhuhu. toodless~~

p/s ~ kalo korg bce 2 baris 1st je and then trus skip smpai perenggan akhir, well, i don blame u guys! ;-)


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