Sunday, May 31, 2009
:: i'm da biggest loser! ::
sila baca ucapan dr seseorg di bwh ini dgn penuh penghayatan. jgn berkelip wlau sekali. janji. k, dah, bce!
" 3 months ago, i'm a 100++ kg boy with low self-esteem bcoz of my super heavy weight. i can't wear clothes or shoes that i like bcoz i can't find my size. sy slalu pkai bju and sluar yg bsr2, yg labuh2, coz ade owg ckp kalo owg gemuk pkai bju yg ketat2 akan menampakkan lg lebihan2nye itu. so, sy xberani nk pkai coz tkt ade yg kutuk2 plak."
smbil mengesat air mata gune tisu cap Tesco, dan dia smbung lg..
" everytime i walk past a group of people, they all will look at me with a nasty, hidious look. seolah2 mcm sy ni jijik dan xlayak berkawan ngn dowg (kesat lg air mata). slalu hina sy dgn pekataan2 yg hanya Tuhan sje yg taw betapa kecik n sakitnye hati sy (hingus hijau da mule meleleh-leleh). adakah sy xlayak berkawan dgn org2 yg kurus dan smat?? do i need to befriend only with fat ppl like me?? mcm2 pertanyaan yg bermain kt pale otak sy skrg. tapi..."
tbe2 berdiri smbil memegang pita pengukur...
" (dgn bgganye) kini, sy da xtkt lg! everythg's changed! i'm a new person now! look at me! berat sy da turun kpd 60++ kg. all bcoz i enter The Biggest Loser reality tv show. thanks to my fmly who convinced me to join the show and if not bcoz of them, i will not be sum1 hensem and thin like i am now. i'm really happy with my body. during da show, i pushed myself doing those extreme and hard exercises and whenever i think of ppl who dislike me, it motivates me to lose weight and makes me more determine to fight for wat i want."
" The Biggest Loser really change my life and i would ask ppl who got da same problem as me, do not afraid. join da show and u'll know wat its like to be in it. u'll gain sumthg dat u'll never think of getting it. i'm happy now."
this is the comment given by Izzuddin Marno, da winner of the current season of da reality show, The Biggest Loser, aired on Hallmark Channel. don forget to tune in da show and watch fat ppl trying their hard to lose weight, conducted by 2 coaches.
p/s : sje je sbnrnye nk suh kowg tgk show tu. bagus utk motivate diri sndiri utk kuruskan bdn. hahaha, jgn marah haaaa..
aku boring,
Friday, May 29, 2009
:: it's reunion time!! ::
salam to all
xde pe sgt nk cte sbnrnye, juz nk keep da moments wif my old frens.. huhuhu, juz hang out at Kota Bharu, doing nothing but eating and eating and eating..
actly aku xnk join taw dowg ni coz ongkosnya enggak ada.. da la emosi xmenentu skrg neh (huhu!).. but i think i deserve some quality times wif my frens, so i decide to join them.. pagi2 buta td bru la aku msj Raja kte nk join.. hehehe.. t'pkse la tebal muke mntak ngn my dad duit wat blanje...
1st in da morning, aku pk sjenak.. nk pgi ngn ape?? nek bas?? mahal seyh tmbang die, dr rm3.50 dlu skrg da naik rm5.30.. cm hape la plak tmbang mahal gle.. mntang2 ekonomi meleset skrg.. sbar ye judin.. seb bek ade yg sggp tumpangkn aku.. huhuhu, thanks to my uncle, yg kebetolan on da way nk p keje.. hahaha, jimat duit aku..
pnjg umo aku jmpe gak ngn dak2 ni.. jelez aku tgk Raja bwk kete (wlaupn ktowg seram time die drive hahahaha) coz my mum still xlps lg aku drive ke KB.. aduii, bek xyah amek lesen cni (memberontak plak!) 1st thing yg Krol ckp kt aku mse die nmpak aku..
Krol : Judin, bkpo koho bulak mung neh?? make bola kmarin kow?
(translate : Judin, why u look fat?? did u eat ball last nite?)
Aku : agak la, nok wat guano, idop aku hepi loni, hahaha
(translate : kind of, my life is happy rite now, can't help it, hahaha)
mmg xbleh nk sorok lg, 'kebulatan' aku smkn terserlah.. haha, farmasi! tggu la kehadiran aku nnt, nk cri pil kurus.. astaghfirullah judiene, bwk mngucap huhu.. nk wat cne, aku xleh thn kalo mknan.. cm td, aku dpt lpskn nafsu aku pd satu mkanan ni.. da lme sgt da aku merinduimu.. xt'thn da gelora jiwaku.. aku cintamu, nasi bungkus abg. mie! seyes kowg sdp.. rugi btol aku xt'ingt lgsg nk amek gmba time tu, fokus ni mkn smbl xingt pape dah.. actly, smbal die yg really make me fall in love wif da food hahaha..
pastu, pas lunch, plan ktowg drive -> tesco -> big apple! sggh la kjap kt tesco, tmn dak2 ni beli brg2 dapur, smbl2 cri almari zip n meja lipat, nk bwk ke seremban nnt..
xde pe sgt nk cte sbnrnye, juz nk keep da moments wif my old frens.. huhuhu, juz hang out at Kota Bharu, doing nothing but eating and eating and eating..
actly aku xnk join taw dowg ni coz ongkosnya enggak ada.. da la emosi xmenentu skrg neh (huhu!).. but i think i deserve some quality times wif my frens, so i decide to join them.. pagi2 buta td bru la aku msj Raja kte nk join.. hehehe.. t'pkse la tebal muke mntak ngn my dad duit wat blanje...
1st in da morning, aku pk sjenak.. nk pgi ngn ape?? nek bas?? mahal seyh tmbang die, dr rm3.50 dlu skrg da naik rm5.30.. cm hape la plak tmbang mahal gle.. mntang2 ekonomi meleset skrg.. sbar ye judin.. seb bek ade yg sggp tumpangkn aku.. huhuhu, thanks to my uncle, yg kebetolan on da way nk p keje.. hahaha, jimat duit aku..
pnjg umo aku jmpe gak ngn dak2 ni.. jelez aku tgk Raja bwk kete (wlaupn ktowg seram time die drive hahahaha) coz my mum still xlps lg aku drive ke KB.. aduii, bek xyah amek lesen cni (memberontak plak!) 1st thing yg Krol ckp kt aku mse die nmpak aku..
Krol : Judin, bkpo koho bulak mung neh?? make bola kmarin kow?
(translate : Judin, why u look fat?? did u eat ball last nite?)
Aku : agak la, nok wat guano, idop aku hepi loni, hahaha
(translate : kind of, my life is happy rite now, can't help it, hahaha)
mmg xbleh nk sorok lg, 'kebulatan' aku smkn terserlah.. haha, farmasi! tggu la kehadiran aku nnt, nk cri pil kurus.. astaghfirullah judiene, bwk mngucap huhu.. nk wat cne, aku xleh thn kalo mknan.. cm td, aku dpt lpskn nafsu aku pd satu mkanan ni.. da lme sgt da aku merinduimu.. xt'thn da gelora jiwaku.. aku cintamu, nasi bungkus abg. mie! seyes kowg sdp.. rugi btol aku xt'ingt lgsg nk amek gmba time tu, fokus ni mkn smbl xingt pape dah.. actly, smbal die yg really make me fall in love wif da food hahaha..
pastu, pas lunch, plan ktowg drive -> tesco -> big apple! sggh la kjap kt tesco, tmn dak2 ni beli brg2 dapur, smbl2 cri almari zip n meja lipat, nk bwk ke seremban nnt..
~cri berus gigi utk anak sedare, baik btol pakcik neh~
~tgh bncg nk borong ape lg ni..hmmm~
~nk semak harga smpat lg jeling kamera hehehe~
~yla, taw aku 'bulat', so mind da figure plzz~
~tgh bncg nk borong ape lg ni..hmmm~
~nk semak harga smpat lg jeling kamera hehehe~
~yla, taw aku 'bulat', so mind da figure plzz~
skrg, mse yg ditggu sdh tibe.. Big Apple, here i come!!! ape lg, aktivit mkn la plak.. 3 biji sowg, amek ko, melantak la wlaupn msg2 still knyang mkn nasi td hahaha.. aku? aku no hal, belasah je 3 biji donut tuh!
~best x, best x?~
then, Raja anta aku n Krol kt stesen bas.. ni saat yg plg aku mls, nk tggu bas lg, kne berebut2 lg, pns lg.. adoiii.. sabo jelaaaaaa!!!!
p/s : credit to raja coz sggp abeskn mnyk kete dmi ktowg..hahaha..muaaahhhh!!
p/s : credit to raja coz sggp abeskn mnyk kete dmi ktowg..hahaha..muaaahhhh!!
aku boring,
day out,
Sunday, May 24, 2009
:: hot hot hot and hot!! ::
salam to all..
actly arini pn mood aku xbaik gak.. bkn sbb ade prob ke hape, tp sbb cuaca Malaysia ni yg hot gler skrg neh.. dlu aku dok kt London xla hot cneh (huhu poyo gler).. kn kelantan ni pn amat hot.. da la td kne jd driver jp tman my mOm n my sis pgi bank, nk bkak akaun SSPN.. amat malas sbnrnye nk kuar coz hot gle beb.. aku rse cm nk pkai singlet n boxer je jln2, hehehe.. haishhh, xleh2, nnt xpsl aku disumbat ke tanjung rambutan.. hahaha..
mse my mOm suh jd driver tu, aku ikot jela, ingtkn kojap.. tgk2 smpai 4 bank ktowg sggh coz 3 buah bank t'dahulu tu de prob, xleh bkak akaun kt c2.. 4 kali sggh bank, b'mkne 4 kali gak la tkan nombor giliran.. da la b'duyun2 owg msk bank, cm xpnh pgi bank plak dowg neh! nk t'lelap gak aku tggu my sis.. pewot aku pn da b'keroncong lagu utk ana (lagu M.Nasir neh).. lapar seyh coz pagi aku mkn roti je (bese mkn nasi, dats y bdn cpt tembun hahaha)..
then my sis suh tman die pgi fotostat salinan borang SSPN tuh.. cri2 kdai fotostat yg dkt ngn bank xde, b'ssh pyh la aku jln pusing bndar tu nk cri kdai fotostat (nk drive dlm bndar jem, tkt hilang tmpt parking).. mse nk kt kdai tu, aku t'nmpk la edisi baru magazine peberet aku, Galaxie.. hahaha.. aku dgn rakusnye trus menyambar buku t'babit (bley wat bce smentara tggu my sis tuh)..
aku dgn riang n selambenye bce Galaxie dlm bank tu, xpasan plak ade sowg makcik ni dok sblh aku, smbl cm jeling2 Galaxie aku.. makcik tu dlm 50-an aku rse (coz muke da b'kedut seribu hahaha ampun makcik).. yg xthnnye, tiap kali aku belek helaian mag tu, mata makcik tu cm jeling2 je.. da la aku bce Galaxie (phm2 jela kn).. hape, ingt aku bce bku lucah ke! tgk2! huh!
lbh krg kol 4 lbh ktowg blk, tu pn xselesai lg.. dowg mntk copy IC mak plak nk bkak akaun tuh.. haishh, mcm2 la.. dlu time aku bkak xde plak mntk mcm2.. hampeh tol.. ni nk bg bkak akaun ke xnk bg neh!!?? da la cuace hot, se'hot' hotdog kt kolej Alamanda!
da la, lth aku bebel..daaa~~
p/s ~ actly kn, td aku gnting rmbut skali.. ingt nk upload rmbut t'baru aku, tp segan r coz cm pelik je rmbut aku kali neh.. huhuhu~~
actly arini pn mood aku xbaik gak.. bkn sbb ade prob ke hape, tp sbb cuaca Malaysia ni yg hot gler skrg neh.. dlu aku dok kt London xla hot cneh (huhu poyo gler).. kn kelantan ni pn amat hot.. da la td kne jd driver jp tman my mOm n my sis pgi bank, nk bkak akaun SSPN.. amat malas sbnrnye nk kuar coz hot gle beb.. aku rse cm nk pkai singlet n boxer je jln2, hehehe.. haishhh, xleh2, nnt xpsl aku disumbat ke tanjung rambutan.. hahaha..
mse my mOm suh jd driver tu, aku ikot jela, ingtkn kojap.. tgk2 smpai 4 bank ktowg sggh coz 3 buah bank t'dahulu tu de prob, xleh bkak akaun kt c2.. 4 kali sggh bank, b'mkne 4 kali gak la tkan nombor giliran.. da la b'duyun2 owg msk bank, cm xpnh pgi bank plak dowg neh! nk t'lelap gak aku tggu my sis.. pewot aku pn da b'keroncong lagu utk ana (lagu M.Nasir neh).. lapar seyh coz pagi aku mkn roti je (bese mkn nasi, dats y bdn cpt tembun hahaha)..
then my sis suh tman die pgi fotostat salinan borang SSPN tuh.. cri2 kdai fotostat yg dkt ngn bank xde, b'ssh pyh la aku jln pusing bndar tu nk cri kdai fotostat (nk drive dlm bndar jem, tkt hilang tmpt parking).. mse nk kt kdai tu, aku t'nmpk la edisi baru magazine peberet aku, Galaxie.. hahaha.. aku dgn rakusnye trus menyambar buku t'babit (bley wat bce smentara tggu my sis tuh)..
aku dgn riang n selambenye bce Galaxie dlm bank tu, xpasan plak ade sowg makcik ni dok sblh aku, smbl cm jeling2 Galaxie aku.. makcik tu dlm 50-an aku rse (coz muke da b'kedut seribu hahaha ampun makcik).. yg xthnnye, tiap kali aku belek helaian mag tu, mata makcik tu cm jeling2 je.. da la aku bce Galaxie (phm2 jela kn).. hape, ingt aku bce bku lucah ke! tgk2! huh!
lbh krg kol 4 lbh ktowg blk, tu pn xselesai lg.. dowg mntk copy IC mak plak nk bkak akaun tuh.. haishh, mcm2 la.. dlu time aku bkak xde plak mntk mcm2.. hampeh tol.. ni nk bg bkak akaun ke xnk bg neh!!?? da la cuace hot, se'hot' hotdog kt kolej Alamanda!
da la, lth aku bebel..daaa~~
p/s ~ actly kn, td aku gnting rmbut skali.. ingt nk upload rmbut t'baru aku, tp segan r coz cm pelik je rmbut aku kali neh.. huhuhu~~
aku boring,
day out
:: Kris Allen - No Boundaries ::
Download Kris Allen - No Boundaries
Salam to all..
currently i'm listening to diz song..
it's Kris Allen new single, called No Boundaries..
if u guys wanna download it, juz click da title above..
currently i'm listening to diz song..
it's Kris Allen new single, called No Boundaries..
if u guys wanna download it, juz click da title above..
No Boundaries
Seconds hours so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait
Every moment lasts forever
Then you feel you've lost your way
What if my chances were already gone
I started believing that I could be wrong
But you give me one good reason
To fight and never walk away
So here I am still holding on
With very step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is goin' nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand
And show you that you can
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
I fall to the land there to stand on the edge
What if today was as good as it gets
I don't know where the future's headin'
But nothing's gonna bring me down
I've jumped every bridge and I've run every light
I've risked bein' safe and I always knew why
I always knew why
So here I am still holdin' on
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is goin' nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand
And show you that you can
You can go higher
You can go deeper
There are no boundaries
Above and beneath you
Break every rule 'cause
There's nothing between you and your dreams
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
Seconds hours so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait
Every moment lasts forever
Then you feel you've lost your way
What if my chances were already gone
I started believing that I could be wrong
But you give me one good reason
To fight and never walk away
So here I am still holding on
With very step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is goin' nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand
And show you that you can
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
I fall to the land there to stand on the edge
What if today was as good as it gets
I don't know where the future's headin'
But nothing's gonna bring me down
I've jumped every bridge and I've run every light
I've risked bein' safe and I always knew why
I always knew why
So here I am still holdin' on
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is goin' nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand
And show you that you can
You can go higher
You can go deeper
There are no boundaries
Above and beneath you
Break every rule 'cause
There's nothing between you and your dreams
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
American Idol,
Saturday, May 23, 2009
:: jealousy!? anger!? wat else!!? ::
salam to all..
i'm not in da mood, so, juz str8 to da point!!
based on my post title, u know already wat da f**k i'm gonna talk about.. rite now, my heart is filled with those emotions.. maybe its due to many things dat happen around me recently, which i'm no good at handling them.. problems + hatred + jealosy + anger = wat else!!
i'm not in da mood, so, juz str8 to da point!!
based on my post title, u know already wat da f**k i'm gonna talk about.. rite now, my heart is filled with those emotions.. maybe its due to many things dat happen around me recently, which i'm no good at handling them.. problems + hatred + jealosy + anger = wat else!!
~i'll be like this if my temper is risen~
nape human ni, ade rse jealousy in them?? to me, da simple theory is bcoz we don get wat we want and owg len ade bnda yg kte nk.. btol x?? i'm a sensitive person n believe me, there's nothings dat i wanna do but making diz feelin' disappear coz i tend to get jealous easily altho its coming from my own fault.. sumtimes i jealous over a small thing and lme2 it bcome anger which i hated when it happens.. its so hard being me!!
ade owg ckp, kte jelez over sumthg yg kte syg.. cthnye r, kalo kapel kowg rpt ngn owg len, or kapel kowg lbhkn owg len, for sure pasaan jelez tu akan dtg ngn sndirinye.. xpyh nk seru or pggl2 r coz gerenti bnda tu dtg.. hehe.. kdg2 bkn slh kapel or pihak kedua tu yg membuatkn kte jelez, tp jelez ni natural occuring.. hehe..
its hard to avoid from being jealous, but it can be overcomed by da way we face it and da way we handle it.. huhuhu.. dlm institusi rumahtgga plak, 2 pasaan ni la yg slalu memecahbelahkn hubungan antara suami n isteri n ade smpai jd kes jenayah (pe hal smpai msk isu2 rumahtgge neh..hihihi)..
kalo dlm b'kwn plak mmg xpyh ckp r.. mmg byk sgt la kes2 cni.. believe me coz i always befriend with those emotions n i've been labeled as 'emo' from my frens.. sumtimes i feel like i wanna shout to the 'who cares if i'm emo!'.. f**k dat shit r!!! but bcoz of my respect to them n bcoz of my frenship, i hold myself from doing it.. seyesly..
actly, bebelan aku ni bkn pe, i juz want to release my anger (to those ppl) dat growing in me.. n somehow i feel good doing it.. hehehe.. so, ble2 kalo aku ade xpuas ati ke pape ke, aku akan luahkan dlm blog neh.. kalo kowg nk bce, bce r.. kalo xnk dgr kutukan aku neh, blah dr cni awal2!!
[mood : angry, moody]
ade owg ckp, kte jelez over sumthg yg kte syg.. cthnye r, kalo kapel kowg rpt ngn owg len, or kapel kowg lbhkn owg len, for sure pasaan jelez tu akan dtg ngn sndirinye.. xpyh nk seru or pggl2 r coz gerenti bnda tu dtg.. hehe.. kdg2 bkn slh kapel or pihak kedua tu yg membuatkn kte jelez, tp jelez ni natural occuring.. hehe..
its hard to avoid from being jealous, but it can be overcomed by da way we face it and da way we handle it.. huhuhu.. dlm institusi rumahtgga plak, 2 pasaan ni la yg slalu memecahbelahkn hubungan antara suami n isteri n ade smpai jd kes jenayah (pe hal smpai msk isu2 rumahtgge neh..hihihi)..
kalo dlm b'kwn plak mmg xpyh ckp r.. mmg byk sgt la kes2 cni.. believe me coz i always befriend with those emotions n i've been labeled as 'emo' from my frens.. sumtimes i feel like i wanna shout to the 'who cares if i'm emo!'.. f**k dat shit r!!! but bcoz of my respect to them n bcoz of my frenship, i hold myself from doing it.. seyesly..
actly, bebelan aku ni bkn pe, i juz want to release my anger (to those ppl) dat growing in me.. n somehow i feel good doing it.. hehehe.. so, ble2 kalo aku ade xpuas ati ke pape ke, aku akan luahkan dlm blog neh.. kalo kowg nk bce, bce r.. kalo xnk dgr kutukan aku neh, blah dr cni awal2!!
[mood : angry, moody]
aku boring,
Thursday, May 21, 2009
:: Kris Allen is the new American Idol ::
one of my peberet idol this season finally win da competition..
Kris Allen was crowned as the new American Idol today and da competitor, Adam Lambert is the runner-up..
~Adam Lambert~
i can't believe it..hu3.. to me, da result is unpredictable and shocking yet it's a good news to me..ha3.. to honest wif u guys, i really wanna see Danny Gokey (who is 2nd runner-up) as the new American Idol.. when he was eliminated during da top 3 result show and seeing Kris made it to da top 2, Simon thot dat it was an unpredictable result.. he3..
~Danny Gokey~
but guys, i do think dat Kris deserves to win da competition.. not only he can sing, but he also can play the instruments such as the piano and the guitar.. congratulations to him (if only he reads this blog..hu3)
more reviews on American Idol Finale are coming up later..
one of my peberet idol this season finally win da competition..
Kris Allen was crowned as the new American Idol today and da competitor, Adam Lambert is the runner-up..
~Adam Lambert~
i can't believe it..hu3.. to me, da result is unpredictable and shocking yet it's a good news to me..ha3.. to honest wif u guys, i really wanna see Danny Gokey (who is 2nd runner-up) as the new American Idol.. when he was eliminated during da top 3 result show and seeing Kris made it to da top 2, Simon thot dat it was an unpredictable result.. he3..
~Danny Gokey~
but guys, i do think dat Kris deserves to win da competition.. not only he can sing, but he also can play the instruments such as the piano and the guitar.. congratulations to him (if only he reads this blog..hu3)
more reviews on American Idol Finale are coming up later..
aku boring,
American Idol,
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
friendship..from my point of view (Part 3)
~its really good if i can be like them~
salam to all..
pnh xkowg merase m'jd golongan minoriti? means, dlm geng2 kowg or dlm sesuatu komuniti tu, kowg rse diri kowg ni golongan minoriti? kalo kowg xphm gak, meh aku cite ape yg aku rse n ape yg aku fikir.. huhuhu..
golongn minoriti ni bg aku, cni la.. dlm aku b'kwn neh, aku dpt rsekn bahawa diri aku ni adalah golongn minoriti.. sbbnye, ctnye la, kalo aku gado ngn kwn aku, mmg time gado tu aku mati2 geram n mrh ngn kwn aku ni.. tp ble fikir2 blk, bek aku sabo n xgado ngn die.. nk taw nape?? sbbne, kalo aku terus gado ngn dia, means aku da xde kwn da pasni. idop aku pasni mybe lonely sket (seyes ape aku rse neh).. aku akan fikir mcm2 r cre nk bek blk ngn mamat tu..
sebaliknye b'laku kt kwn aku neh.. die bleh wat dek je.. cm, kalo gado tu, gado la.. mknenye, xnmpk pn ikhtiar dia utk nk baik blk ngn aku.. sbbnye??? dia ade rmai lg kwn sekeliling, rmai lg kwn yg bleh geng ngn dia.. huhuhu.. so, nk xnk, aku gak r yg kne tebal muke baik blk, say 'i'm sorry'.. mmg r owg kte elok kte beralah, tp kalo da hmpir tiap kali gado kte yg kne stat baik dlu, xke nmpk cm dia xhargai kte sbg seorg kwn??
ini sume b'laku time aku kt asrama SIC (aku 5 thn tggl kt asrama taw, jgn men2, hihihi).. seb bek gak coz pas dr gado tu, ktowg da xgado lg.. tp, yla kn.. aku ingt bnda ni da xkn b'laku lg, tgk2 situasi yg sama happen to me, here at UiTM.. jgn la ade sesape yg rse menyampah or terase ngn tulisan aku ni coz aku juz tulis ape yg aku pendam selame neh.. wlaupn bnda tu kdg2 xmsk akal or mmg slh aku.. huhuhu~~
bg aku, i treat my friends as my girlfriend and my siblings.. coz i'm single rite now, so, i juz have them.. dat means, every single incident dat happen to me, or every secrets dat i have, i will tell them.. sumtimes, i do hope they treat me like i treated them, means i like when they come to me, and open up about their problems.. it shows dat i'm still be sumone dat they can rely on or sumone dat they can share their thoughts or problems..
aku boring,
Monday, May 18, 2009
aku yg kesangapan durian..
salam to all..
hope u guys have a good day..
actly kn, aku xtaw nape, mybe rezeki aku murah kot.. sejak aku blk cuti ni, ade sje peberet food aku.. ari2 my mom masak laksa penang, td plak, my dad borong durian.. yup, buah durian.. kowg xpyh wat2 nk muntah r kalo hidu bau dia.. org malaysia tu, wat la cre owg malaysia..(bnci btol aku ble ade owg yg wat2 mat saleh r, knon2nye xleh bau durian)
sbnrnye cni, meh nk habaq mai.. jumaat lps, kt umah datuk aku (yg hanya xsmpai 500m dr umah aku) wat mkn pulut durian.. time tu sume kazen aku dr pelusuk negeri blk r.. aku xmkn pulut ngn durian, so aku bedal durian jela.. tp rmai owg kn, aku pn wat baik, mkn sket jela coz nk tggl utk owg blkg.. wlaupn ati m'berontak nk mkn lg.. huhu.. aku smpat mkn 3 ulas je taw.. nafsu aku msh xpuas!!
stat drp ari2 aku slalu t'mimpi2kn durian (hiperbola la plak).. mkn durian, tdo durian, mndi pn durian (lg hiperbola).. hehehe.. pndek kte asyk t'ingt nk mkn durian je.. mgkn ayah aku ade nafsu detector kot, dia dpt mengesan kelojak nafsu aku yg m'buak2 neh.. so, ptg td, dia bli la durian.. situasi aku ni lbh krg cm durian runtuh la.. luv u dad!! haha..
~lihat isinye yg kuning keemasan..baunye fuhhh~
kowg taw x, aku sggop xmkn nasi mlm neh, smata2 nk sumbat perut aku ngn durian.. smpai saat aku menulis neh, aku sendawa pn rse lg durian taw x (da gosok gigi ek, tlg sket!).. td aku bru bedal sebiji setgh, ermm, mybe esk lg sebiji, n lusa sebijik, lg 2 bji mkn hari seterosnye.. aiyok, bleh mabuk durian aku cni.. xmkn nasi aku seminggu..(xpe2, diet)kegilaan aku kt durian ni xt'henti disini.. donut Big Apple yg perisa durian tu m'jd peberet aku sepanjang zaman, diikuti oleh chocoholic.. tp yg alien tu pn sodap gak.. tp xleh challenge perisa durian r.. bese kalo aku beli Big Apple tnpa perisa durian, ibarat aku mkn burger McD tanpa daging..(b'kait x..hmmm)..
aku ingt kalo ade rezeki seksok, aku nk m'komersialkn durian neh, biar satu dunia suke mkn durian.. huahahaha (gelak cm setan).. aku nk pastikn setiap francais restoran mknan segera cm KFC, McD n Pizza ade satu resipi yg b'asaskn durian.. haaa, hebat xidea gue??? kowg kalo ade yg nk jd rakan kongsi aku dialu-alukn..
Saturday, May 16, 2009
ohaiyo gozaimasu..
to all my frens..
yesterday was my Eating Day coz start from early in da morning until nite, i ate non-stop.. hahaha.. u guys wanna know why?? bcozzz...
to all my frens..
yesterday was my Eating Day coz start from early in da morning until nite, i ate non-stop.. hahaha.. u guys wanna know why?? bcozzz...
my dearest mom cooked us her very own tasty dish, original from penang (yup, me mom is from penang)... LAKSA PENANG!
i was so damn miss Laksa Penang dat i ate it for my breakfast, lunch, dinner and even my supper.. while watching American Idol Result Show, it's gud to have sumthg to eat n i choosed laksa.. hahaha.. my mom said, bcoz of my crazy eating habit yesterday, make me gain another 10kg.. OMG! start diet today.. hihihi
da smell is very attractive especially da smell of belacan.. really menusuk hidung.. i've tried my other version of laksa penang, especially kelantan-made version, it doesn't taste like Penang mali.. da laksa like lack of sumthg.. mybe the originality.. hehehe.. if i go back to Penang, my aim is to eat laksa penang, n of coz other mee stuffs like mee rebus, mee kuah and soto.. too bad i don have the pictures to show u..
anyway, if u want da recipe, plz email me.. i'll send it to u.. huahahahaha!!!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Hindi oh Hindi..Kuch Kuch Hota Hai
namaste to all..
kowg mst cm blur2+huh! ble tgk post kali ni.. hahaha.. don worry, xpyh cri kamus nk translate, meh aku gtaw jela.. kuch kuch hota hai means sesuatu yg t'jd..
aku bkn nk ckp psl cte neh.. huhuhu.. jauh skali nk ajar kowg bhsa hindi (aku sndiri buta hindi).. aku tgh boring2 td, pastu lyn la hndustan jp.. my fren always teasing me whenever i listen to hindi songs.. juz face da fact dat hindi songs are very familiar wif malaysians.. kalo tgk dolu2, rmai makcik2 pakcik2 minat hindustan neh.. seyesly, i'm one of 'em dat love to watch hindi movies..
mgkn skrg xsemeriah dulu kalo nk ckp psl filem hindi ni.. kalo dulu, sorg2 tu siap bleh list lg nama2 pelakon bollywood.. xkrg gak yg siap hafal lirik lagu hindi neh.. aku ingt lg kalo makcik2 aku slalu komplen kalo cite hindi yg dowg tgk ending dia sedih or xbest.. hahaha.. funny isn't? silap2 bleh bakar panggung kalo kt India la.. time tu aku kcik ag, baru darjah 4 kalo xsilap (cehhh, kuat ingatan neh!)..
td aku sempat la lyn cite Dul Han Hum Le Jayenge.. ala, yg Salman Khan ngn Karishma Kapoor tuh.. tbe2 t'ingt zaman2 aku hatrik ngn hindi.. skrg pn still mnat juz xb'ksmpatan nk tgk.. bz la kte kn.. sedey la plak (haha, tbe2 bleh sedey).. kalo dulu, sggp berenti main ptg sabtu juz bcoz nk tgk hindustan.. yg xthn, owg dulu2 kn feeling t'lbh, cm2 gak la kalo aku tgk hindi ngn makcik2 aku..ermm, mak aku xt'kecuali..hahaha.. time tu la dgr dowg mengolah cite tu, smbil2 dowg tgk.. kte hero ni cni la, heroin ni gemok la.. mcm2..
actly, aku pn cm dowg gak..huhuhu~~
baru la aku taw cne prasaan parent2 kte ble tgk cite2 hindi zaman dowg.. zaman Rishi Kapoor, Dimple Kapadia, ntah ape lg heroin yg femes time tu pn aku da lupe.. hahaha.. actly, tgk hindi ni pn best gak, coz dpt la lps tnsion (haha).. time kowg tgk tu, da sah2 dpt blaja sket satu dua patah bhsa hindi kn..
aku xpasti nape tp mmg syok tgk hindustan neh.. bg aku feeling dia xsame cm kowg tgk cite korea ke, jepun ke, mexico ke, bla bla bla.. feeling dia cm ala2 leleh r.. xpn ade yg xpuas ati coz ending dia xbest..hahaha..
ok la, ape yg dpt aku simpul mati kt cni ialah, cte hindi ni best.. hahaha.. seyes best.. mgkn zman skrg cite2 hindi da t'cemar ngn imej2 seksi n ghairah pelakon2 baru, tp bg aku pelakon yg seangkatan ngn Shah Rukh Khan n Kajol plg best.. bg sape2 yg xpnh lyn hindi ni, aku nasihatkn, try la lyn skali dua.. kmfem kowg nk lg.. hahaha, cm iklan mknan plak..
abes suda bebelan aku..daa~~
p/s : kalo kowg pasan, bape byk perkataan 'actly' yg aku tulis..huhuhu
aku boring,
friendship..from my point of view (part 2)
gud day..hopefully..
kowg ade xkwn2 kowg to say cth la ek, kalo time nk stdy, dia pgi dok ngn mamat A neh.. then kalo time nk b'suke ria, dia dok ngn kowg.. means every bnda yg kwn kowg wat tu, ade owg yg b'beza la..(seyes kowg xphm ayat india aku neh, xpe, phm2kn la..)
sumtimes, ade gak r terase ngn dia neh.. mybe dia xpasan or mybe dia xde niat nk wat cm2, but as a human, always ade thot yg kte xleh elak, same gak cm aku.. i alwayz think of him like dat.. means kalo time gle2 n lepak2, krenye aku ade ngn dia r.. but when it comes to stdy, he prefers others.. mybe faktor ketidakpandaian aku ni m'jd pnyebab, xtaw la kn .. my life at university is da same like i was at secondary skul..
basically, diz frenship post is wat i'm feeling towards my fren.. xksh la kt skolah menengah ke, kt U ke.. all included.. i'm posting diz not to blame them on wat happen or not to judge them.. i juz wanna share my thots to da world (cm da kuar topic sket..hihihi).. hopefully, i'll be a better fren from now on..
gud day..hopefully..
kowg ade xkwn2 kowg to say cth la ek, kalo time nk stdy, dia pgi dok ngn mamat A neh.. then kalo time nk b'suke ria, dia dok ngn kowg.. means every bnda yg kwn kowg wat tu, ade owg yg b'beza la..(seyes kowg xphm ayat india aku neh, xpe, phm2kn la..)
dlm 20 thn aku idop atas muke bumi neh (syukur, umo pnjg lg..huhu) da byk pngalaman b'kwn aku ade.. kowg pn mst byk gak kn.. well, like i stated above, aku pn ada kwn yg cm2.. bkn nk kte aku ni choosy or emo t'lbh (dats my fren call me), tp diz is juz sumthg dat i feel n i dunno how to stop it from growing in my heart..
sumtimes, ade gak r terase ngn dia neh.. mybe dia xpasan or mybe dia xde niat nk wat cm2, but as a human, always ade thot yg kte xleh elak, same gak cm aku.. i alwayz think of him like dat.. means kalo time gle2 n lepak2, krenye aku ade ngn dia r.. but when it comes to stdy, he prefers others.. mybe faktor ketidakpandaian aku ni m'jd pnyebab, xtaw la kn .. my life at university is da same like i was at secondary skul..
aku bkn nk dia slalu ngn aku, nnt owg syak len plak kn.. tp yla, if only i cud find a way to throw away diz negative feeling, da lama aku buat.. hehehe.. it's kinda hurt but i getting used to it as i can'y live without my fren and hopefully i won't be..
basically, diz frenship post is wat i'm feeling towards my fren.. xksh la kt skolah menengah ke, kt U ke.. all included.. i'm posting diz not to blame them on wat happen or not to judge them.. i juz wanna share my thots to da world (cm da kuar topic sket..hihihi).. hopefully, i'll be a better fren from now on..
~end of part 2, stay tune for part 3~
Monday, May 11, 2009
assalamualaikum kengkawan sume..
hehehe..cumel kn lembu di atas..
rse nk cium plak..hahaha..
if kowg sume tgk pic dia atas, wat's goin' thru ur mind??
adakah judiene ckp psl lembu?? psl lembu mkn rumput?
ke, psl pemandangan padang yg byk lembu (??)?
well, lembu mmg byk kegunaan dia..
1st, isi dia sodap wat rendang (t'ingt raya..huhu~)
2nd, susu dia leh minum (bg calcium kpd bdn)..hehehe..
bau najis dia pn harum, kalo x, xkn la ade kes owg gian hidu najis lmbu..
1st, isi dia sodap wat rendang (t'ingt raya..huhu~)
2nd, susu dia leh minum (bg calcium kpd bdn)..hehehe..
bau najis dia pn harum, kalo x, xkn la ade kes owg gian hidu najis lmbu..
hahaha..actly, bkn lembu yg jd topik aku pd post kali nie..
meragut...bkn lmbu meragut rumput, tp org yg meragut..
ye..btol, org yg meragut..
meragut...bkn lmbu meragut rumput, tp org yg meragut..
ye..btol, org yg meragut..
kalo kowg bce paper 2 3 hari ni, byk plak kes2 ragut neh..
plg byk yg m'nyebabkan maut..
yg koma pn xkurang byknye..
baru2 ni aku ade bce paper psl kes ragut ni (Harian Metro kalo xslp)..
plg menyayat hati, mgsa ragut tu wanita hamil!!
dua nyawa hilang, 1st si ibu, 2nd, bayi dlm kndungan..
mmg dasar dajal btol la peragut neh!!!!
bkn ape, kesian aku tgk anak2 mgsa..
kecik2 lg da xde ibu..
kdg2 manusia ni kejam sgt t'hdp sesama manusia..
nnt silap hari bln, fmly dowg plak yg kne ragut..
time tu baru la dowg rse cne mgsa2 ragut yg len rse..
kehilangan fmly members..
kecik2 lg da xde ibu..
kdg2 manusia ni kejam sgt t'hdp sesama manusia..
nnt silap hari bln, fmly dowg plak yg kne ragut..
time tu baru la dowg rse cne mgsa2 ragut yg len rse..
kehilangan fmly members..
ade sowg pembaca ni, dia sarankn supaya pihak polis tembak je peragut neh..
means kalo dowg tgk ade yg meragut, terus je tmbak, xpyh nk kejar2..
baru la dowg taw takot..
dowg xpk ke fmly mgsa tuh..
xpsl2 hilang isteri (kbykan mgsa ragut wanita)..
nk kekayaan dgn cre yg sngkat, xlme lg umo pn sgkat la..
ni aku amek dr paper, tips to avoid from being 'ragut'..
- kalo jln kaki, pstikn jln ke arah b'tntangan dgn traffic, sng tgk owg/knderaan yg dtg.
- pegang beg tgn anda erat2, ltk kt celah ketiak tu, jgn ske hayun je.
- jgn pamer isi kndungan beg anda (duit, brg2 mahal).
- kalo yg pgi bank, pstikan anda tgk kiri knan after kuar dr bank..kot2 ade yg 'menunggu'.
- elakkan drp jln di kwsn yg sunyi
kte as a human ni, tlg la..
hentikan la ragut meragut neh..
ape yg dowg pk time nk ragut tu?
nk duit? henfon? ke sje nk popular msk dlm paper??
kte hidop kt Malaysia ni, elok2 da xde peperangan, dowg plak wat hal..
hentikan la ragut meragut neh..
ape yg dowg pk time nk ragut tu?
nk duit? henfon? ke sje nk popular msk dlm paper??
kte hidop kt Malaysia ni, elok2 da xde peperangan, dowg plak wat hal..
so, hrp2 pasni sape2 yg merase nk ragut tu, pk2 la..
jgn ikot syaiton yg dok hasut tuh..
kpd wanita plak, gud luck la tuk kowg..
jge leklok beg tgn..
jgn ikot syaiton yg dok hasut tuh..
kpd wanita plak, gud luck la tuk kowg..
jge leklok beg tgn..
~semoga Allah memberkati bumi Malaysia yg aman damai ini..Amin~
Sunday, May 10, 2009
:: Happy Mommy's Day ::
Lebiu very mucchhhhh..
muahhhhhh!! hope u stay healthy forever..
i know i'm not dat gud at being 'anak yg soleh'..
but still, along syg umi..
~to my aunty, happy mommy's day too (Pn. Salasiah Saad)~
p/s : actly, aku xpnh ckp 'along syg umi' dpn2 my mum..dunno seems a lil akward to me..maybe xbese kot..hahaha..insyaallah, ble da keje seksok, i'll buy u watever u want..yeahhh!!!
muahhhhhh!! hope u stay healthy forever..
i know i'm not dat gud at being 'anak yg soleh'..
but still, along syg umi..
~to my aunty, happy mommy's day too (Pn. Salasiah Saad)~
Friday, May 8, 2009
hari bersih se'dunia'..
huh! ape bnde plak neh!? ble plak hari bersih sedunia!?? mst kowg ade t'pk cm2 kn..huhuhu..lek2, jgn glabah dowh..ini adalah amalan harian aku bergelar student universiti..hahahaks ..rajin gle aku..
xdela, sume tu nonsense..huhuhu..actually, aku agak rajin arini semata2 sbb esk aku da nk blah dr Kolej Alamanda, arini ktowg kemas blk r..gmba2 neh m'jd bukti bahawe aku telah memerah keringat aku utk memastikan blk ktowg, mntk maap la kalo ade gmba yg m'wat'kn kowg xlalu mkn...hahahaha!!
xdela, sume tu nonsense..huhuhu..actually, aku agak rajin arini semata2 sbb esk aku da nk blah dr Kolej Alamanda, arini ktowg kemas blk r..gmba2 neh m'jd bukti bahawe aku telah memerah keringat aku utk memastikan blk ktowg, mntk maap la kalo ade gmba yg m'wat'kn kowg xlalu mkn...hahahaha!!
aku boring
waa..xtaw nape aku diberi award ini tp thanx to kak eleza..huahahaha..actually aku xphm..wat's diz award means?? huh!?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
friendship..from my point of view (part 1)
like i said, it is sumthg subjktif coz no one can give da exact meaning of friendship..sumtime ppl said dat friends is like sumone who can share any kind of problems..other ppl said dat friends is sumone u need whenever u feel lonely..hmm, watever thots u hear bout friendship, let take a look at wat Judiene (me) has to say bout friendship..heee~~
adakah ini aku??ngeee~~
post kali ni, emm, i wanna talk about sumthg sbjktif..sumthg yg we all need in our cannot live without it..beside family, we also need other people that we call friends..
like i said, it is sumthg subjktif coz no one can give da exact meaning of friendship..sumtime ppl said dat friends is like sumone who can share any kind of problems..other ppl said dat friends is sumone u need whenever u feel lonely..hmm, watever thots u hear bout friendship, let take a look at wat Judiene (me) has to say bout friendship..heee~~
adakah ini aku??ngeee~~
according to wikipedia, friendship is the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis. Friends will welcome each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of altruism.
huhuhu..never mind dat..well, aku bkn la owg yg expert bab2 falsafah ni..aku pn bkn perfect or baik sgt smpai nk judge and pilih2 kwn..its juz my interpretation, according to my friends arround me..
sorry la ek kalo ayat aku jiwang bagai nk muntah~
gado ni bkn gado tumbuk2 or sepak terajang neh , gado dlm kamus aku ialah gado ble ade certain2 bnda yg kte xske psl kwn kte, cth : tabiat buruk dia ke, cre dia ckp ke, sumthg like dat la..
tp kalo nk kutuk or cri keburukan kte xleh gak (seyes, aku slalu m'alaminye..gheee~~)..
tp aku pn ade gak m'kritik org..hihihi..
tp tu la, dlm b'kwn neh, kte perlu blaja menerima kwn seadanya, jgn ikot sdp mulut je nk kritik..chehhh!
tp yg aku geram kdg2 insiden2 tu, t'jd bkn salah kte tp oleh sbb ke'selfish'an kwn kte tuh!!! byk kali gak la, tp nk wat cne kn, kalo gado pnjg2 alamatnye lonely la idop aku..kalo ditego, mcm2 alasan dia bg..sume ni ade kaitan ngn ego kte as a human..nk kte aku xpnh jd cni tipu la kn, tp yla..hehehe..
huhuhu..never mind dat..well, aku bkn la owg yg expert bab2 falsafah ni..aku pn bkn perfect or baik sgt smpai nk judge and pilih2 kwn..its juz my interpretation, according to my friends arround me..
bg aku la, kalo bleh aku nk sgt ada kwn yg memahami, baik n very 'sekepale' , which i already have now..alhamdulillah..huhuhu..
aku ni bkn jns yg pndai wat kwn..
ble aku da jmpe kwn yg btol2 ngam ngn aku, aku akan stick ngn dowg la..
kalo nk ikutkn frasa b'cinta biar satu, b'kwn biar beribu, ade btolnye tp its hard to find da real friends..
aku ni bkn jns yg pndai wat kwn..
ble aku da jmpe kwn yg btol2 ngam ngn aku, aku akan stick ngn dowg la..
kalo nk ikutkn frasa b'cinta biar satu, b'kwn biar beribu, ade btolnye tp its hard to find da real friends..
sorry la ek kalo ayat aku jiwang bagai nk muntah~
kadang2 dlm b'kwn neh, xsentiasa best je..
ade gak kdg2 b'lakunye insiden2 yg meng'elevated'kn tahap kesabaran kte..
lumrah la tu kn..
kalo nk best2, xde gado2, cri robot la!!
ade gak kdg2 b'lakunye insiden2 yg meng'elevated'kn tahap kesabaran kte..
lumrah la tu kn..
kalo nk best2, xde gado2, cri robot la!!
gado ni bkn gado tumbuk2 or sepak terajang neh , gado dlm kamus aku ialah gado ble ade certain2 bnda yg kte xske psl kwn kte, cth : tabiat buruk dia ke, cre dia ckp ke, sumthg like dat la..
tp kalo nk kutuk or cri keburukan kte xleh gak (seyes, aku slalu m'alaminye..gheee~~)..
tp aku pn ade gak m'kritik org..hihihi..
tp tu la, dlm b'kwn neh, kte perlu blaja menerima kwn seadanya, jgn ikot sdp mulut je nk kritik..chehhh!
tp yg aku geram kdg2 insiden2 tu, t'jd bkn salah kte tp oleh sbb ke'selfish'an kwn kte tuh!!! byk kali gak la, tp nk wat cne kn, kalo gado pnjg2 alamatnye lonely la idop aku..kalo ditego, mcm2 alasan dia bg..sume ni ade kaitan ngn ego kte as a human..nk kte aku xpnh jd cni tipu la kn, tp yla..hehehe..
**tamat suda part 1..nntkan smbngn dia..heeee~~**
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